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Nie rób wiochy
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Don’t act like a country bumpkin (UK)/redneck (US)
Dziękuję z góry
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Thank you in advance
Trzymam za Ciebie kciuki
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I'll keep my fingers crossed for you
Nie zawracaj mi głowy
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Don’t bother me
Nie łudź się
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Don’t kid yourself / Don’t delude yourself / You’re being delusional
Głowa do góry
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Cheer up
Informowac/ostrzegać kogoś
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to give somebody a heads up
I wanted to give you a heads up on our sales figures.
Rzuć na to okiem
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Take a look at this / take a peek / take a quick glance
Powiedz mi to bez ogródek
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Just be blunt with me
Walić prosto z mostu
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shoot from the hip
Jeff is a straight talker who always shoots from the hip.
wpaść we wściekłość / wyjść z siebie
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fly off the handle
He's extremely irritable - he flies off the handle at the slightest thing.
być pomiędzy młotem a kowadłem
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be (caught) between a rock and a hard place
I was between a rock and a hard place, for if I didn't take out another loan—and go deeper into debt—I could not pay off the debts I already owed.
Diabeł tkwi w szczegółach
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The devil is in the detail
promyk nadzieji/ pozytyw w zlej sytuacji
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silver lining
The injury had a silver lining: it enabled Blake to spend day with his family.
robic cos po najmniejszej lini oporu
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cut corners
One airline was accused of cutting corners on safety.
zebrac sie do kupy
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get your act together
She’s so disorganized - I wish she’d get her act together.
iść sie położyć
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hit the sack
I’ve got a busy day tomorrow, so I think I’ll hit the sack.
nabijac kogos w butelkę
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pull someone’s leg
Stop pulling my leg - you didn’t have lunch with Bono!
być nie w sosie/ czuć się kiepsko
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to be under the weather
I’m feeling a bit under the weather - I think I’m getting a cold.
ogarnąć coś / zrozumiec coś trudnego
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get your mind around sth
I find it hard to get my mind around such complex issue.
zamieść coś pod dywan
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sweep something under the rug
This scandal can’t be swept under the rug.
temat zastepczy, zaslona dymna
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red herring
The police investigated many clues, bit they were all red herrings.
cel uswieca srodki
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the ends justify the means
He’s campainging with illegal funds on the theory that if he wins the election the end will justify the means.
skonczyc na dzis/ zrobic fajrant
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to call it a day
After 14 years living and working in this country, she thinks it's time to call it a day.
jestem w czyms kompletnie beznadziejny
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can’t do sth to save your life
I can’t draw to save my life.
niewinne kłamstewko
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white lie
A white lie is still a lie.
bujac w oblokach
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chase rainbows
You can’t chase rainbows your while life - you need to pick a stable career and start being an adult.
leje jak z cebra
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to rain cats and dogs
This morning it was raining cats and dogs so I had to take my umbrella.
zarabiac na chleb
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bring home the bacon
I can’t sit around all day - someone’s got to bring home the bacon.
ostroznie! powoli!
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easy does it
Okay. Easy does it. Almost there.
wymykac sie spod kontroli
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get out of hand
It was the end of term and the children were getting a little out of hand.
nie ma tego zlego co by na dobre nie wyszlo
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every cloud has a silver lining
kto pierwszy ten lepszy
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first come first served
Free tickets will be given on first come, first served basis.
nazywac rzeczy po imieniu
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call a spade a spade
It is time to name names and call a spade a spade
szczescie w nieszczesciu
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a blessing in disguise
Losing that job was a blessing in disguise really.
jest tego na peczki
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be a dime a dozen
Books likw this are a dime a dozen
targowisko proznosci
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vanity fair
syzyfowe zadanie/praca
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Sisyphean task / job
Trying to completely eleminate doping from sport is a Sisyphean task.
pijacka odwaga
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Dutch courage
zdrowy jak ryba
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as fit as a fiddle
My grandmother is 89, but she is as fit as fiddle.
ku mojej rozpaczy
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to my despair
wyjsc z niczego/pojawic sie znikad
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come out of blue
You need to work hard - opportunities don’t just come put of the blue.
co bylo to bylo
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let bygones be bygones
I know we’ve had our fights over the years, but I think it’s time we let bygones be bygones.
nie do odlozenia/porzucenia
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this book is unputdownable!
placic grosze
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pay a peanuts
They expect us to work for peanuts
dwa tygodnie
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