Lithuanian in 1 day
Englishlietuvių kalba

Lithuanian in 1 day
Get a taste of the oldest Indo-European language that still exists!

VocApp introduces you to a language that is spoken by around 3 million people, all over the world!
Get yourself a linguistic challenge by immersing in basics of Lithuanian language
Leave the natives speechless during your trip to Lithuania!
Get familiar with a rather unique language and impress yourself, too!
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This course is 100% free. We want to show you how fast & easy you can learn with us.
10 words in 10 seconds - 10 žodžių per 10 sekundžių10 words in 10 seconds - 10 žodžių per 10 sekundžių  
11 flashcards
These you already know:) - Tai, ką jau žinai:)These you already know:) - Tai, ką jau žinai:)  
11 flashcards
Questions - KlausimaiQuestions - Klausimai  
13 flashcards
Polite expressions - Mandagūs išsireiškimaiPolite expressions - Mandagūs išsireiškimai  
22 flashcards
People - ŽmonėsPeople - Žmonės  
38 flashcards
Activities - VeiklosActivities - Veiklos  
29 flashcards
Useful phrases - Naudingi išsireiškimaiUseful phrases - Naudingi išsireiškimai  
21 flashcards
Untranslatable - Neišverčiami žodžiaiUntranslatable - Neišverčiami žodžiai  
10 flashcards

It's time for a real language challenge!

Even though not many people speak the Lithuanian language, only around 3 million in the whole world, this language is really worth considering. Learning Lithuanian language is learning the oldest, yet still existing Indo-European language, as well as learning the language of freedom and history. Due to rich vocabulary, rules of declension and natural flow, foreigners also consider the Lithuanian language as a bold yet phonetically melodious language! The Lithuanian language is a really tough nut, however, it is full of beauty and balance and VocApp will help you get familiar with it. Learn the mother tongue of celebrities as the current NBA basketball player Jonas Valančiūnas or former NBA basketball star Arvydas Sabonis! These are just two names but there are way more famous people connected to Lithuania than one can think of! VocApp proposes you an opportunity to learn to speak the language of these famous people! And while this Lithuanian language course is more of an introduction to the language, with Lithuanian in 1 day you can definitely start building your Lithuanian vocabulary and preparing for a real conversation with a native speaker in Lithuania! Proceed to the course to learn useful Lithuanian phrases! We promise it will be fun!

Learn Lithuanian phrases with VocApp

Lithuanian in 1 day course is built on the most basic patterns of this language so that anyone who’s interested could grasp the tendencies of the Lithuanian language and learn some of the most important Lithuanian phrases. Thanks to our system, your learning schedule will be easy to adjust! Just choose the most convenient time and study Lithuanian phrases! Since VocApp focuses on flashcards’ method and multisensory learning, you will surely be able to remember many Lithuanian phrases, even the most difficult. This course is created with the honest intention to help people learn basic and useful Lithuanian phrases. This language can indeed offer a lot to anyone! And with the ability to gain access to important Lithuanian phrases, the learning process will be smooth and fun. We have mentioned that learning Lithuanian language is a huge challenge – however our course is here to help remember Lithuanian phrases easily and in a comfortable manner. The Lithuanian phrases of this course include questions, untranslatable words, polite expressions, activities and many more! Also, you will learn Lithuanian greetings and know how to say goodbye in Lithuanian or hello in Lithuanian. Moreover, the course will help you make a good impression by teaching you how to say thank you in Lithuanian!

Examples of Lithuanian phrases

Here are some of the Lithuanian phrases you will learn with this professional course:

  • 1. Labas! = Hello!
  • 2. Labanaktis! = Good night!
  • 3. Ačiū labai. = Thank you very much!
  • 4. Jokių problemų. = No problem.
  • 5. Man reikia pagalbos. = I need help.

Proceed to the course to learn important Lithuanian phrases and words! Continue learning Lithuanian with our Lithuanian: day 2 course! It will enrich your Lithuanian vocabulary with more useful Lithuanian phrases and words. If you're planning to visit Lithuania, follow the Lithuanian for travelling course to prepare for your trip! Learn Lithuanian easily with VocApp's flashcards!
