Synonyms for most overused French words
Enrich your vocabulary and become a pro of the French language!
Discover and learn more than 600 synonyms of the most commonly used French adjectives
Impress everyone around you with your enriched vocabulary!
Feel more confident while having conversations with native speakers
No more missing words!
Synonymes du mot "bon(ne)" 23 flashcards | Synonymes du mot "joli" 18 flashcards | Synonymes du mot "magnifique" 23 flashcards | |||
Synonymes du mot "intéressant" 15 flashcards | Synonymes du mot "important" 29 flashcards | Synonymes du mot "heureux/se" 18 flashcards | |||
Synonymes du mot "grand" 20 flashcards | Synonymes du mot "difficile" 31 flashcards | Show all lessons (26) |
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