Basic concepts in marketing

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comprador activo
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active buyer
direcciones de los clientes
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customers' addresses
subscriptor activo
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active subscriber
establecer relaciones a largo plazo
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to build long-term relationships
registros de abono
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credit records
usuario actual
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actual user
gusto del consumidor
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consumer's taste
identificar los clientes
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to identify the customers
clave de la cuenta
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key account
interactuar con los clientes
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to interact with the customers
acciones orientadas al consumidor
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action-oriented consumer
fidelización de clientes
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customer loyalty
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comprador final
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ultimate buyer
insatisfacción del cliente
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customer dissatisfaction
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clientes actuales
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current customers
protección al consumidor
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consumer protection
deserción del cliente
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customer defection
descubrir las necesidades del cliente
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to uncover customer needs
tomar medidas para comprar un producto
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to take steps to buy a product
compradores potenciales
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potential buyers
nivel de ingresos
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income level
clientes potenciales / perspectivas
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prospective customers / prospects
relaciones públicas
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public relations
punto de vista del cliente
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customer's viewpoint
conocer las expectativas de los clientes
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to meet customers' expectations
tener conocimiento del producto
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to become aware of the product
estado civil
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marital status
sistema de oficina
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front office system
comprador anónimo
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mystery shopper
atención al cliente
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consumer helpline
establecer la base del cliente
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to build customer base
establecer el perfil del consumidor
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to build a consumer profile
transmitir la información del cliente
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to disclose customer data
preferencias del consumidor
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customer likes
valor del ciclo de vida del cliente
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customer lifetime value
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amplio abanico de clientes
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ample customers
clientes fieles
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loyal customers
patrones en el comportamiento del consumidor
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patterns in consumer behaviour
satisfacción de los clientes
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customers satisfaction
gestión de las relaciones con el cliente
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customer relationship management
permanencia de clientes
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customers retention
organización gubernamental
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government agency
objetivos de marketing
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marketing objectives
capacidad de absorción del mercado
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absorptiveness of the market
licencia de marketing
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warm marketing
escasez de mercado
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market shortage
negocios de larga cola / estela
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The Long Tail
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revenue / income
ingresos disponibles
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disposable income
consultoría de marketing
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marketing consultancy
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presupuesto disponible
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available budget
distribución efectiva
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effective distribution
ética del marketing
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marketing ethics
fiasco en el marketing
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marketing fiasco
filosofía de marketing
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marketing philosophy
instrumento de marketing
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marketing instrument
segmento clave del mercado
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key market segment
concepto de marketing
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marketing concept
entorno competitivo
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competitive environment
costos de entrada en el mercado
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market entry costs
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líder del mercado
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market leader
regulaciones / leyes locales
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local regulations / local laws
capacidad de comercialización
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almacenamiento de inventario
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inventory storage
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objetivos del mercado
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target marketing
mercadotecnia uno a uno / personalizada
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one-to-one marketing
gestión de marketing
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managerial marketing
nueva comercialización
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marketing especializado
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niche marketing
marketing de guerrilla
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guerrilla marketing
consulta política
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political consulting
marketing disperso
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scattergun marketing
marketing social
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social marketing
marketing de deportes
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sports marketing
marketing boca a boca
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buzz marketing
marketing de calle
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street marketing
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marketing mix
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marketing mix
declaración de misión
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mission statement
monopolio del mercado
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market monopoly
oportunidades de mercado
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market opportunities
vídeo explicativo
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explainer video
instantánea de la situación actual
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snapshot of the current situation
herramienta de marketing
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marketing tool
orientación del mercado
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market orientation
saturación del mercado
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market glut
aspectos negativos de la localización
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negative aspects of the location
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brecha en el mercado
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gap in the market
presencia en el mercado
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market presence
puja competitiva
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competitive bid
recursos limitados
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limited resources
organizacion orientada a la venta
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sales driven organisation (BrE) / sales driven organizations (AmE)
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toma de decisión
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libro de marketing
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marketing textbook
rentabilidad potencial
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potential profitability
potencial para el crecimiento
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potential for growth
dominio de mercado
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market dominance
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ventaja competitiva
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competitive advantage
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mercado saturado
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saturated market
guión de marketing
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marketing scenario
segmento de mercado
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market segment
industria de servicio
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service industry
selectividad del mercado
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market selectivity
normas de rendimiento
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performance standards
sector de negocios de alto crecimiento
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fast-growing business sector
técnicas de marketing
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marketing techniques
tendencia de mercado
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market tendency
cuota de mercado
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market share
lucha competitiva
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competitive struggle
condiciones de negocio
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conditions of business
mercado limitado
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narrow market
mercado no explotado previamente
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previously untapped market
competición libre
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free competition
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requisitos de los clientes
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customers requirements
esfuerzos de marketing
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marketing efforts
inteligencia de marketing
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market intelligence
crecimiento de mercado
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market growth
dirección de marketing
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marketing management
orientado al cliente
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asociación de comercio
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trade association

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