500 most important Slovak verbs 26 - 50

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to call
Shall we call grandma?
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Zatelefonujeme starej mame?
to work
I often work from home.
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Často pracujem z domu.
to mean
What does this sign mean?
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Čo znamená toto označenie?
to please
His compliments really pleased me.
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Jeho komplimenty ma naozaj potešili.
to stop
He stopped to drink some water.
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zastaviť sa
Zastavil sa aby sa napil vody.
to put
Put the keys on the table.
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Polož kľúče na stôl.
to help
Help me find the keys.
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Pomôž mi nájsť kľúče.
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"Slovak Words: Top 500 Verbs"
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