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moje nazwisko panienieńskie
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my maiden name is
my maiden name is...
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this is my fiancé
Wdowy opłakują swoich mężów.
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The widows mourn their husbands.
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I am divorced
Interesuje mnie polityka.
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I'm interested in politics.
osoba samotna
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I'm single
jestem żonaty/zamężna
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i'm married
moje dzieci mają 6 i 4 lata
Ona zachowuje się jak dziecko.
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my kids are 6 and 4
She acts like a child.
Milo cię poznać.
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it's lovely to meet you.
It was nice to meet you
mam dwoje dzieci
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I am a mother of two
jest tu służbowo
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he is here on business
Every business should be profitable.
uwielbiam spacerować w deszczu
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I love walking in the rain
Jak długo jesteście razem?
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How long have you been together?
mieszkam w Warszawie
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I live in Warsaw
The performance will be broadcast live from Las Vegas.
jestem inżynierem
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i work as an engineer
pochodzę z Warszawy
Skąd pochodzisz?
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I come from Warsaw
Where do you come from?
jestem wdową
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I am widowed
mowiles, ze jak masz na imię?
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what was your name again
Dziekuje as zaproszenie
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Thank you for having me.

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