wyjątki - to, - ing

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It is worth - ing
It is worth going there.
Masz ochotę na...?
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Do you fancy...? - ing
Do you fancy going to the cinema?
Lepiej byśmy...
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We would better...
We would better prepare for the winter. - bez
Nie mogę nic poradzić na robienie czegoś
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I can't help doing sth
I can't help laughing. -ing
powinien / może
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should/ may/ might
Polecam robić coś
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I reccomend doing sth
I reccomend buying this car.
kazać komus coś zrobić
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make sb do sth
He made her leave the room.
Pamiętaj, żeby do niego zadzwonić.
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Remember to phone him.
Pamiętam spotkanie z nim w Paryżu.
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I remember meeting him in Paris.
Postaraj się być na czas.
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Try to be on time.
Spróbuj ćwiczyć jogę.
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Try doing yoga.
Udaje mi się to zrobić
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I manage to do that
Nie stać mnie na zakup nowego samochodu.
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I can't afford to buy a new car.

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