Work vocabulary

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working conditions
Good working conditions are vital for the employee's well-being.
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refers to the working environment and all existing circumstances affecting labor in the workplace
to work with your hands
He likes to work with his hands, he says it relaxes him.
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to do manual work
manual work
He's more suited for manual work.
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refers to physical work
to be/get stuck in a rut
I'm so tired of being stuck in a rut.
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to be trapped in a mundane, non-changing pattern of work
temporary work
I have a new job at the moment, but it's just temporary work.
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to work for a specific period of time
maternity leave
She's got 12 months of maternity leave.
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a period of approved absence for the purpose of giving birth and taking care of infant children
one of the perks of the job
The flexible work schedule is one of the perks of the job.
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privileges granted to employees in addition to their salaries
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