tysia angielski zwroty

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z przykroscia imformujemy panow
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we regret to inform you
uszkodzenie, szkoda
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damage, injury
ustalic, okreslic
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w odpowiedzi na panstwa list
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in response to your letter
pragne zwrocic uwage panow
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i wish to draw your attention
powodujac uszkodzenia
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causing some damage
w zwiazku z tym
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in this connection
uczestniczyc w ogledzinach
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to attend a survey
zrebnica luku
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hatch cover
zrebnica luku
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hatch coaming
cumy mojego statku zerwaly ske
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moorings of my vessel parted
pragne poinformowac pana
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I would like to inform you
wasz statek zblizajacy sie do nasz pozycji
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your vessel approaching our position
w tych okolicznosciach
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under the circumstances
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odrzucam wszelka odpowiedzialnosc
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I reject any liability
drabina zejsciowa do ladowni
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hold ladder
we wlasciwym porzadku i dobrum stanie
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in good order and condition
wsxystkie te fakty zostaly potwierdzone
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all the facts were confirmed
nalezycie zabezpiczony oswietlony i oporeczony
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properly secured, lighted and railed
pirs stacji bunkrowej
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the bunker station pier
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z powodu
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due to
poszycie lewej burty
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port side shell
zgodnie z czarterem
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under charter party
rozpoczynaja sie
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are commencing
wygasna uplyna
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will expire
prawo wolnosci ruchoe sanitarne
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free pratique
dni przeznacozne na wyladunek
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laydays for discharging
na przestojowym
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on demurrage
beda pociagnieci do odpowiedzialnosci
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they will be held liable
nie zglasxam roszczen
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i have no claim
spowodowany przez panstwa dzwig ladowy
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caused by your shore crane
prosze lrzyjac do wiadomosci
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please take notice
w czasie manewrow w celu wziecia pilota
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during manoeuvring to embark the pilot
wszedl na mielizne
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ran aground
zgodnie z
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in accordance
zaczal dryfowac i uzyskal plywalnosc
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began to drift and was afloat
bede zmuszony anulowac to zamowienie
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i shall have to cancel this order
winny byc dostarczone
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should be delivered
czesci zamienne
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spare parts
winny byc dostarczony na
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should be delivered to
kadlub statku
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ships hull
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wgniecenie od uderzenia
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a dent
zewnetrzne poszycie
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outward plating
po prawej burcie w czesci dziobowej
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on the starbord bow
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przewloka rolkowa
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roller fairlead
sruba napedowa
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chory marynarz
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sick sailor

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