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How many limitations do you have in your current work?
czytać w ludzkich myślach
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to read people’s minds
Does this mean you’ll be able to read people’s minds in the future?
uchwalać prawa
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enact laws
In the future we should enact laws that protect mental provacy if this technology develops.
prywatność psychiczna
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mental privacy
Could you imagine how will you feel if your mental privacy would be stolen by someone passer?
szklanka do połowy pełna
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glass half-full
szklanka do połowy pusta
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glass half-empty
niesłuszne skazanie
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wrongful conviction
How many people could avoid wrongfull conviction?
bycie niewiernym
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being unfaithful
I remember that Rihanna was unfaithful. I know about it from her knowable song.
brak zaangażowania
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lack of commitment
Lack of commitment is one of the most popular causes of divorces.
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używając czegoś jako bezpiecznej opcji
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using something as a crutch
Using something as a crutch means usinf something as a safety idea.
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kwestie finansowe
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finnancial issues
nadużywanie substancji
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substance abuse
przemoc w rodzinie
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domestic violence
ciężkie choroby lub niesprawność fizyczna
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severe diseases or physical incapacity
brak fizycznej bliskości
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lack of physical intimacy
nie otrzymują wystarczającej uwagi
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not getting enough attention
nawyki współmałżonka
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spouse habits
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