TB3-List...28 y 29

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There’s no need to worry.
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No hay por qué preocuparse.
Nothing works in this country.
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No funciona nada en este país.
He’s on his way.
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Él está en camino.
How long does the course last?.
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¿Cuánto tiempo dura el curso?.
Have you applied for the scholarship?.
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¿Has aplicado por la beca?.
We’ve been friends for a year.
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Somos amigos desde hace un año.
We’ve formed a company.
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Hemos formado una compañia.
We have to give it a name.
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Tenemos que darle un nombre.
You’ll have to invest a certain amount of money.
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Tendrás que invertir una cierta cantidad de dinero.
We’ll give you shares.
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Te daremos acciones.
You’ll be a part owner of this.
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Serás en parte dueño de esto.
Are you willing to invest?.
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¿Estás dispuesto a invertir?.
We want cash.
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Queremos dinero en metálico. Queremos dinero en efectivo.
Mail the letter.
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Envia la carta por correo.
Don’t forget the return address.
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No se te olvide el remitente.
The sky is starting to clear up.
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El cielo está empezando a despejarse.
The policy has expired.
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La póliza ha expirado, a caducado.
Are you going to renew it?.
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¿Vas a renovarla?.
What for?.
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¿Para qué?.
I wish I knew more English.
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Ojalá yo supiera más inglés.
I wish I had more money.
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Ojalá tuviera más dinero.
I wish I could convince him.
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Ojalá yo pudiera convencerlo.
I wish he would stop talking.
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¡Ojalá el dejara de hablar!.
I hope it rains this afternoon.
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Espero que llueva esta tarde.
Scratch my back.
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Ráscame la espalda.
I have a horrible toothache.
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Tengo un terrible dolor de muela.
We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.
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Cruzaremos ese puente cuando lleguemos a él.
I don’t regret anything I’ve done.
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No me arrepiento de nada de lo que he hecho.
Call me whenever you want.
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Llámame cuando quieras.
I don’t want you to be sad.
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No quiero que estés triste.
They told me you had already left.
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Me dijeron que ya te habrías ido.
We’ll crush you.
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Te aplastaremos.
The dog buried the bone.
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El perro enterró el hueso.
The burial was in the morning.
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El entierro fue por la mañana.
They were arrested and taken to court.
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Fueron arrestados y llevados al juzgado.
The judge didn’t show up.
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El juez no apareció.
We waited for half an hour.
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Esperamos por media hora.
The goods haven’t been shipped yet.
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La mercancía no ha sido aun embarcada.
There’s a delay in the packaging.
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Hay un retraso en el embalaje.
Our workers have been on strike for more than a month.
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Nuestros trabajadores están de huelga desde hace más de un mes.
We haven’t reached an agreement.
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No hemos llegado a un acuerdo.
Until this is resolved we can’t promise anything.
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Hasta que esto no se resuelva no podemos prometer nada.
What do you suggest we do?.
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¿Qué sugieres que hagamos?.
You should be more flexible.
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Deberías ser más flexible.
But I’ve been flexible for five years and look what has happened.
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Pero llevo cinco años siendo flexible y mira lo que ha pasado.
It’s not your fault.
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No es tu culpa.
Then whose fault is it?.
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Entonces ¿de quién es la culpa?.
You shouldn’t blame anyone.
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No deberías culpar a nadie.
I don’t need your advice.
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No necesito tus consejos.
Then why have you hired me?.
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Entonces ¿por qué me has contratado?.
I really don’t know.
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Realmente no lo sé.
They were warned of the danger.
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Fueron advertidos del peligro.
You’d better leave because otherwise.
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Más vale que te vayas, sino.
Are you threatening me?.
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¿Me estás amenazando?.
You’d better follow my advice.
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Más vale que sigas mi consejo.
I bought it second hand.
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Lo compré de segunda mano.
You’re always complaining about the heat.
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Siempre te estás quejando acerca del calor.
You shouldn’t have come here.
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No debías haber venido aquí.
The telephone is ringing.
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Está sonando el teléfono.
The telephone is ringing. Oh, I’ll get it.
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Está sonando el teléfono. Oh, yo lo contesto, Yo lo cojo.
Who is it for?.
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¿Para quién es?.
It was the wrong number.
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Era un número equivocado.
A secretary should be polite.
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Una secretaria debe ser educada.
She should also be pleasant and friendly.
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También debe ser agradable y amable.
Above all she should be punctual and fair.
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Sobre todo debe ser puntual y justa.
She should know how to fold letters.
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Debe saber como doblar cartas.
She should know how to take messages.
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Debe saber como tomar recados.
She should know typing and shorthand.
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Debe saber mecanografía y taquigrafía.
Your reports should be concise.
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Tus informes deberían ser concisos.
You’ve been very lucky.
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Has tenido mucha suerte.
How old were you when that happened?.
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¿Cuántos años tenías cuando eso pasó?.
I’m sorry you couldn’t stay.
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Siento que no pudieras quedarte.
You’ll get used to my style.
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Te acostumbrarás a mi estilo.
I’m already accustomed to it.
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Ya estoy acostumbrado a ello.
I fought for everything I got.
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Luché por todo lo que conseguí.
It smells like flowers.
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Huele como a flores.
Put it on top of this.
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Ponlo encima de esto.
She always wears a lot of makeup.
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Ella siempre usa mucho maquillaje.
I always have to remind him to shave.
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Siempre tengo que recordarle que se afeite.
He’s very forgetful.
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Es muy olvidadizo.
He’s one of the few men who wear a hat.
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Es de los pocos hombres que llevan sombrero.
Do his friends make fun of him?.
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¿Sus amigo se burlan de él?.
I don’t think so.
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No lo creo.
They seem to be pretty nice.
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Parecen ser bastante majos. Parecen ser bastante a toda madre.
What impression did you get?.
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¿Qué impresión sacaste?.
You have to make a good impression.
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Tienes que causar una buena impresión.
You didn’t make a good impression.
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No causaste buena impresión.
I can’t stand it.
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No lo puedo aguantar.
Something has to be done.
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Algo tiene que hacerse.
What do you expect working for a man like him?.
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¿Qué esperas trabajando para un hombre como él?.
Since when does he pay his people well?.
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¿Desde cuándo paga bien a su gente?.
I warned you not to except his offer.
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Te advertí que no aceptaras su oferta.
But you didn’t pay any attention to me.
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Pero no me hiciste caso.
Now you’re suffering the consequences.
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Ahora estás sufriendo las consecuencias.
His death affected everyone here.
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Su muerte afectó a todos aquí.
He seemed like such a healthy man.
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Parecía un hombre tan sano.
He left an inheritance to his wife.
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Dejó una herencia a su esposa.
I’m exhausted.
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Estoy axausto, o agotado.
Why don’t you take these pills?.
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¿Por qué no te tomas estas pastillas?.
I don’t know how to swallow pills.
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No se tragar pastillas.
You’re a little strange, aren’t you?.
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Eres un poco extraño, o raro ¿no?.
His only option was to go home and face the music.
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Su única opción era ir a casa y enfrentar las consecuencias.

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