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Do what I say, not what I do.
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Haz lo que digo, no lo que hago.
Do what he says, not what he does.
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Haz lo que el dice, no lo que hace.
Do what she says, not what she does.
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Haz lo que ella dice, no lo que hace.
Why do I have to do what you say?.
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¿Por qué tengo que hacer lo que dices ?.
Why does he have to do what you say?.
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¿Por qué el tiene que hacer lo que dices ?.
Why does she have to do what you say?.
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¿Por qué ella tiene que hacer lo que dices ?.
Why do we have to do what you say?.
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¿Por qué tenemos que hacer lo que dices ?.
Because I know what's right.
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Porque sé lo que es correcto.
Why don't you walk there?.
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¿Por qué no caminas ahí ?.
Why doesn't he walk there?.
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¿Por qué él no camina ahí ?.
Why doesn't she walk there?.
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¿Por qué ella no camina ahí ?.
Don't you think it's way to far?.
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¿No crees que es demaciado lejos ?.
Maybe for you, but not for me.
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Tal vez para ti, pero no para mí.
I'm going to learn how to play the piano.
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Voy a aprender a tocar el piano.
Why are you interested in that?.
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¿Por qué estás interesado en eso ?.
Why is he interested in that?.
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¿Por qué el está interesado en eso ?.
Why is she interested in that?.
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¿Por qué ella está interesado en eso ?.
Because music interests me.
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Porque la música que me interesa.
What else do you know how to do?.
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¿Qué más sabes hacer ?.
What else does he know how to do?.
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¿Qué más sabe hacer el?.
What else does she know how to do?.
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¿Qué más sabe hacer ella?.
Leave me alone.
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Déjame en paz.
Prices will fall at the end of the year.
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Los precios caerán al final del año.
Why do you think the prices will fall?. Why do you think they'll fall?.
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¿Por qué crees que los precios caeran?. ¿Por qué crees que caeran?.
Because I think they have to fall.
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Porque creo que tienen que caer.
Nobody's buying anything.
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Nadie esta comprando nada.
Why isn't anyone buying anything?.
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¿Porqué nadie esta comprando nada?...
Because nobody has any money.
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Porque nadie tiene dinero.
Do you want to know what I think?.
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¿Quieres saber lo que pienso ?.
I think people spend too much.
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Creo que la gente gasta demasiado.
Do you include yourself?.
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¿Te incluyes tu mismo?.
I'm not like the rest of you.
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Yo no soy como el resto de ustedes.
I consider myself a special man.
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Me considero un hombre especial.
What makes you so special?.
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¿Qué te hace tan especial ?.
Do you know many men with wings?.
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¿Conoces a muchos hombres con alas ?.
Do you mean you have wings?.
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¿Quieres decir que tienes alas ?.
I have two to be exact.
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Tengo dos para ser exactos.
What do you do with them?.
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¿Qué haces con ellas?.
What do you think wings are for?.
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¿Para que crees que son las alas?.
I think, they're for flying.
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Creo, que son para volar.
You seem more intelligent every day.
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Tu pareces más inteligente cada día.
Then you can fly.
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Entoces, puedes volar.
I don't know what to say.
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No sé qué decir.
Promise me you won't tell anyone.
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Prométeme que no se lo dirás a nadie.
All right, you have my word.
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Muy bien, tienes mi palabra.
Let me see you fly.
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Déjame verte volar.
I never let anyone see me fly.
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Nunca dejo que nadie me vea volar.
How many people know you have wings?.
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¿Cuánta gente sabe que tienes alas ?.
Only a few know about it.
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Sólo unos pocos saben.
I don't trust people like him.
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No confío en la gente como él.
What do you have against him?.
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¿Qué tienes contra él ?. ¿Qué tienes encontra dél ?.
I'm going to teach him a lesson.
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Voy a enseñarle una lección. Voy a darle una lección.
What are you going to do to him?.
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¿Qué vas a hacer con él ?.
I'm going to do something that he'll never forget.
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Voy a hacer algo que el nunca olvidará.
Don't ask me any more questions.
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No me preguntes más preguntas.
I'll leave when I finish.
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Me marcharé cuando termine.
I'll leave when I finish.
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Me marcharé cuando termine.
They leave when I tell them.
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Se marcharan cuando les diga.
I need to think about it.
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Necesito pensarlo.
He looks fine and proper, but when he opens his mouth he shows his real self; he's crude.- - - - - to show your real self.
Sacar las uñas, enseñar el cobre, (dejar ver un defecto).
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Parece fino y educado, pero cuando abre la boca enseña el cobre, es un patán.
He looks fine and proper, but when he opens his mouth he shows his real self; he's crude.
crude= ordinario, grosero, patán, vulgar. rude in a way that makes people uncomfortable; especially: talking about sexual matters in a rude way.
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Parece fino y educado, pero cuando abre la boca enseña el cobre, es un patán.
Bill Clinton was crude and loud until Hilary taught him manners.
crude= ordinario, grosero, patán, vulgar. rude in a way that makes people uncomfortable; especially: talking about sexual matters in a rude way.
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Bill Clinton era ordinario y ruidoso hasta que Hilary le enseñó modales.
The platanito's show tell a lot of crude jokes ........ CRUDE.
crude= ordinario, grosero, patán, vulgar. rude in a way that makes people uncomfortable; especially: talking about sexual matters in a rude way.
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Grosero, vulgar ........ En el show del Platanito, ellos dicen, en un montón de chistes vulgares.
They consider themself special men.
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Ellos mismos se consideran hombres especiales.
But they must have noticed it.
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Pero deben haberlo notado.
Richard Vaughan is a shrewd business man.
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Richard Vaughan es un astuto hombre de negocios.
Barbara de la Rosa is a shrewd businesswoman.
sh - re - wd
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Barbara de la Rosa es una astuta mujer de negocios.
Hey Jane, that was a shrewd investment.
sh - re - wd
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Hey Jane, eso fue una inversión inteligente.
sh - re - wd
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sagaz, astuto, inteligente.
Orlando is a very shrewd teenager.
sh - re - wd
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Orlando es un adolescente muy astuto.
I think It's worth the effort studying a foreing language.
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Yo creo que vale la pena el esfuerzo de estudiar una lengua extranjera.
Studying English takes time but It's worth it.
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Estudiar Inglés se toma tiempo pero vale la pena.
Don’t go to that museum. It’s not worth it.
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No vayas a ese museo. No vale la pena.
That car It’s not worth it.
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Ese coche no vale la pena.
That girl It’s not worth it.
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Esa chica no vale la pena.
Emy asked, hey Ovi, Has anyone swept you off your feet recently?.
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Alguien te ha enamorado recientemente ?.
to sweep you off your feet= When someone sweeps you off your feet they cause you to fall in love with them.
I don't think she realizes this but she swept me off my feet.
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No creo que se de cuenta de esto, pero ella me ha enamorado.
to sweep you off your feet= When someone sweeps you off your feet they cause you to fall in love with them.
SPELL: shrewd.
sh - re - wd.
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sagaz, astuto, intelifente.
My heartfelt condolences.
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Mi más sentido pésame. Mi más profundo pésame.
Bill Clinton was crude and loud ........ Crude.
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Vulgar, ordinario ........ Bill Clinton era ordinario y escandaloso, ruidoso.

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