speaking 220

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Na zdjeciu widac
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in the photograph, we can see
zdjecie zostalo zrobione
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the picture was taken
zdjęcie przedstawia
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the photograph shows
na pierwszym planie widac
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in the foreground we can see
na drugim planie jest/są
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in the background there is/are
na srodku obrazka znajduje sie
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in the centre of the picture, there’s
po prawej stronie znajduje się
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on the right, there’s
po lewej stronie znajduje sie
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on the left, there’s
on/ona ma na sobie/nosi
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he/she is wearing
on/ona wygląda
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he/she looks
on/ona czuje
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he/she is feeling
on/ona zdaje się być
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he/she seems to be
on/ona wygląda jakby
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he/she looks as if
powiedziałbym, że
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i would say/i guess
mysle ze
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I think that
uwazam ze
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i believe that
wydaje mi sie ze
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i guess that
moim zdaniem
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in my opinion/to my mind
wedlug mnie
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as far as i’m concerned
z jednej strony
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on the one hand
z drugiej strony
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on the other hand
szczerze mowiac
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to be honest with you
szczerze mowiac
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frankly speaking
moim pierwszym wyborem byloby
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my first preference would be to
wybralbym te opcje poniewaz
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i’d go for this option because
ten pomysl podoba mi sie najmniej poniewaz
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this is my least favourite idea because
ten pomysl podoba mi sie najbardziej/najmniej poniewaz
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i like this idea the most/the least because
ten pomysl wydaje mi sie o wiele ciekawszy poniewaz
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this idea is much more interesting to me because
mysle ze byloby to dobrym rozwiazaniem poniewaz
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i think this would be a good idea because
ten pomysl przemawia do mnie zdecydowanie bardziej/mniej niz ten drugi poniewaz
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this option is definitely more/less appealing than the other one because
nie wybralbym tej propozycji poniewaz
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i wouldn’t choose this idea because
wolalbym raczej... niz
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i’d rather... than
przemawia do mnie duzo bardziej niz
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appeals to me much more than
mysle ze... byloby dla mnie najmniej atrakcyjna opcja gdyz
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i think... would be the least attractive option for me as
nie sadze, zeby ta propozycja tak dobrze sie sprawdzila poniewaz
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i dont think this option would work so well because
nie przemawia do mnie ta opcja gdyz
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im not too keen on this option as
gdybym mial do wyboru... albo... zdecydowalbym sie na
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if its a choice between... and... then i’d go for
choc osobiscie uwielbiam... wydaje mi sie ze... jest lepsza opcja gdyz
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although i personally enjoy... i guess... would be better because
a zatem z tego powodu wybralbym pierwszy obrazek
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so, for these reasons, i would opt for the first picture
planuje zostac
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im planning to become
zamierzam zadzwonic
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im going to call
mam zamiar zaczac
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i intend to start
chcialbym przygotowac
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i’d love to prepare
o tej porze w przyszlym roku bede
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this time next year, i will
za dziesiec lat bede
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in ten years’ time, i will
to sie zdarzylo nie tak dawno temu/dawno temu
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this happend not so long ago/a long time ago
to sie zdarzylo kiedy/podczas gdy
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it happend when/while
po pierwsze
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to start with
pierwszym co zobaczylem bylo
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the first thing i noticed was
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po wszystkim
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przede wszystkim
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first of all
gdy tylko
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as soon as
w koncu/ostatecznie
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in the end/finally

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