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Johann Heinrich Füssli, The Shepherd's Dream, from 'Paradise Lost
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Johann Heinrich Füssli, 'Macbeth', Act I, Scene 3, the Weird Sisters
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Johann Heinrich Füssli, Nocna mara
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William Blake, Nabuchodonozor IV
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William Blake, Współczucie
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William Blake, Hekate
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William Blake, Wir kochanków
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William Blake, Isaac Newton
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William Blake, Urizen stwarzający świat
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William Blake, Wielki czerwony smok i niewiasta obleczona w słońce
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Phillip Otto Runge, Poranek
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Phillip Otto Runge, Dzieci z Hülsenbeck
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Eugene Delacroix, Autoportret
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Eugene Delacroix, Śmierć Sardanapala
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Eugene Delacroix, Barka Dantego
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Eugene Delacroix, Wolność wiodąca lud na barykady
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Eugene Delacroix, Grecja na ruinach Missolungi
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Eugene Delacroix, Masakra na Chios
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Eugene Delacroix, Fryderyk Chopin
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Eugene Delacroix, Sierota na cmentarzu
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Eugene Delacroix, Algierskie kobiety w swoich komnatach
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Eugene Delacroix, Polowanie na lwy
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Eugene Delacroix, Pieta
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Théodore Géricault, Derby w Epsom
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Théodore Géricault, Oficer szaserówpodczas ataku
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Théodore Géricault, Portrety szaleńców, mania hazardu
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Théodore Géricault, Portrety Szaleńców, mania zazdrości
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Théodore Géricault, Ranny żołnierz
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Théodore Géricault, Trwatwa Meduzy
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Caspar David Friedrich, Wędrowiec po morzu chmur
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Caspar David Friedrich, Skały kredowe na Rugi
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Caspar David Friedrich, Mężczyźni kontemplujący księżyc
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Caspar David Friedrich, Krzyż w górach
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Caspar David Friedrich, Morze Lodu
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Caspar David Friedrich, Morze lodu
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Caspar David Friedrich, Mnich nad brzegiem morza
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Caspar David Friedrich, Opactwo w dębowym lesie
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Caspar David Friedrich, Fazy życia
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William Turner, Pogrzeb nad morzem
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William Turner, Pożar Izby Lordów i Izby Gmin
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William Turner, Deszcz, para, szybkość
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William Turner, Ostatnia droga Temeraire'a
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William Turner, Statek niewolniczy
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John Constable, Katedra w Salisbury
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John Constable, Katedra w Salisbury widok z łąk
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John Constable, Widok na Stour niedaleko Dedham
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John Constable, Wóz z sianem

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