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zmniejszyc roznice
start learning
bridge the gap
generowac problemy
start learning
produce disagreements
przezeyciezac problemy
start learning
overcome problems
rozumiec przyswiecajaca czmus idee
start learning
understand the idea behind sth
mieszkac pod jednym dachem
start learning
live under the same roof
start learning
sprzeczac sie o cos
start learning
clash over sth
doprowadzic kogos do szalu
start learning
drive sb up the wall
napotkac problem
start learning
encounter a problem
dotrzec do kogos
start learning
get through to sb
zostac zbesztanym
start learning
get told off
start learning
na pierwszy rzut oka
start learning
on the surface
miec z czyms trudnosci
start learning
struggle to do sth
zmienic kogos w cos
start learning
turn sb into sth
niegodny zaufania
start learning

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