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w nocy
start learning
in the night
w tygodniu
start learning
in the week
w radio
start learning
on the radio
w środku
start learning
in the middle
na początku
start learning
at the beginning
na niebie
start learning
in the sky
w centrum miasta
start learning
in the city centre
w kinie
start learning
in the cinema
ta sama koszula co wczoraj
start learning
the same shirt as yesterday
im szybciej tym lepiej
start learning
the sooner the better
start learning
in the morning
w ciągu tygodnia
start learning
during the week
przez telefon
start learning
on the phone
do teatru
start learning
to the theatre
na końcu
start learning
at the end
w armii
start learning
in the army
dom na wsi
start learning
a house in the country

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