prosba o powtorzenie/ wyjasnienie

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przepraszam czy mógłbyś powrorzyc prosze
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I'm sorry could you repeat that please
czy mogbys powtorzyc prosze
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could you repeat please
przepraszam nie uslyszalam
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I'm sorry I didn't hear
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czy ma pani na mysli
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do you mean
co masz na mysli
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what do you mean
przepraszam chyba nie do konca rozumiem co ma pani na mysli
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Sorry, I’n not sure what you mean
nie jestem pewny czy rozumiem
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I'm not sure I understand
nie wiem co to znaczy
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I do not know what that means
czy mogla by pani powiedziec co to znacY
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could you tell me what that means
przepraszam co znaczy x
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sorry what does x mean
dobre pytanie
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that’s good question
niech pomysle
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let me see
przypuszczam ze
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I suppose

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