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na nazwisko...
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it's under the name of
zgadza sie?
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Is that correct?
pokoj z widokiem na ocean
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a room with a view of the ocean
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let mi check
Ile kosztuje noc?
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How much is the charge per night?
co jest wliczone w koszt zakwaterowania?
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what's included in the cost of accommodation?
autobus wahadlowy na lotnisko
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an airport shuttle
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prywatne lazienja
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an en-suite bathroom
za dodarkowa oplata
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at an additional charge
dodatkowy recznik
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an extra towel
udac sie do pokoju
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make one's way to the room
popisac formularz
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sign a form
jesli ma pan jakiekolwiek soecjalnie zyczenia, prosze wykrecic NR...
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