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Good thing you're well
Dobrze ze wrociles do zdrowia
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Meno male che sei guarita/o.
Good thing you arrived
Dobrze ze przyjechales
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Meno male che sei arrivata
I am very proud of you.
Jestem z ciebie dumny/a
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Sono molto orgoglioso di te.
For example
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Per esempio
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Could you say it again?
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Puoi ripetere?
What did you do this week end?
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Che cosa hai fatto questo weekend?
You understood what I asked you.
Zrozumiales co tobie powiedzialam
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Hai capito quello che ti ho chiesto.
Ask = asked
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Chiedere = chiesto
I didn't do anything particular/special
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Non ho fatto niente di particolare/speciale
I haven't done anything interesting
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Non ho fatto niente di interessante
I packed suitcases for my trip
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Ho preparato le valigie per il mio viaggio
Fare le valigie -spakować sie
la valigia
I prepared for my trip
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Mi sono preparata per il mio viaggio
We leave on Thursday and return on Saturday
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Partiamo giovedì e torniamo sabato
Why are you going to London
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Perchè vai a Londra?
It's my first time going to London
to jest mój pierwszy raz
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È la prima volta che vado a Londra
My sister has been to London three times
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Mia sorella è stata a Londra tre volte
Which airport are you leaving from?
Z którego lotniska dojeżdżacie/odlatujecie?
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Da quale aeroporto partite?
When are you leaving?
kiedy wyjezdzacie
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Quando partite?
Starting from... to
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Partire da... per
We leave from Krakow for London
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Partiamo da Cracovia per Londra
I do not remember
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Non mi ricordo
Do you remember?
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Ti ricordi?
No, I don't remember anymore
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No, non mi ricordo più
I'll eat the pizza later
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La pizza la mangio dopo
I'll read the book later
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Il libro lo leggo dopo
I never drink water
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L'acqua non la bevo mai
How often...?
jak często
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Ogni quando
I can not stand you anymore
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Non ti sopporto più
Marco is really unpleasant
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Marco è davvero antipatico
I can't stand him/her anymore
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Non lo/la sopporto più
It's always early
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È sempre in anticipo
what did you like about London
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che cosa ti è piaciuto di Londra
have you been to the wax museum?
byłeś w muzeum figur woskowych
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sei stata al museo delle cere?
la cera - wosk; di+le = delle
the entrance (m)
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l'ingresso (m)
despite, furthermore, moreover
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in più
dodatkowo, co wiecej, na dodatek
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per di più
it sucked
beznadziejne czas przeszly
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faceva schifo
I don't feel good when I eat something heavy
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Non sto bene quando mangio qualcosa di pesante
the plane (m)
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l'aereo (m)
the whole world
z całego świata, na całym świecie
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in tutto il mondo
you're next
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il prossimo sei tu
you're next
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la prossima sei tu
my favorite flower is the rose
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il mio fiore preferito è la rosa
go on
idziemy dalej
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andiamo avanti
the last
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I wanted say that
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Volevo dire che
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la luna di miele
I would like a glass of water with ice
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vorrei un bicchiere d'acqua con ghiaccio
the corn kernel
ziarenko kukurydzy
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il chicco di mais
Do you have any question?
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hai qualche domanda?
I have no questions to ask you
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Non ho domande da farti
I'm doing great
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sto alla grande
I hope you are well
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spero che tu stia bene
the musical at the theater was the best part of the trip
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il musical al teatro è stata la parte migliore del viaggio
the food was heavy, without taste
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il cibo era pesante, senza gusto
what spices or herbs you usually use
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quali spezie o erbe aromatiche usi di solito
paprika, black pepper, rosemary, basil, parsley, thyme, oregano, dill
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la paprica, il pepe nero, il rosmario, il basilico, il prezzemolo, il timo, l'origano, l'aneto
I've never seen anything like it
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Non ho visto mai niente qualcosa del genere
ponownie, jeszcze raz
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Di nuovo
of course
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Ci mancherebbe
I am sorry
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chiedo scuza
I have a headache, throat, stomach
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ho mal di testa, gola, pancia
I have a stomach ache, tooth
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ho mal di stomaco, dente
I miss you so much
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mi manchi tanto, troppo
I do not believe you
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Non ti credo
I don't understand.
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Non capisco
I have no time
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non ho tempo
I'm walking
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io sto camminando
I open the door
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io apro la porta
I'm getting into the car
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io sto salendo in macchina
I parked the car
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io ho parcheggiato la macchina
I thank you
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Ti ringrazio
what a smell
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che puzza
Happy birthday
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buon compleanno
are you ready?
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sei pronto?
thanks so much
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grazie altretanto
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va bene
I am cleaning
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sto pulendo
you are welcome. It does not matter.
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Non c'è di che. Non fa niente.
np przy ominięciu kogos
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I think it's false/true
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secondo me è falso/vero
Could be better
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Potrebbe andare meglio
of course!
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how do you say...
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come si dice...
like you told me
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come mi avevi detto
I'm sorry
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mi dispiace
I made a mistake, I'm sorry
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ho sbagliato, ti chiedo scuza
sorry, I didn't mean to
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scusami, non volevo
Please, forgive me
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Ti prego di scusarmi
next week will be great
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la prossima settimana andrà benissimo

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