Next Move 4 unit 3

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Question Answer
the komodo dragons
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smoki z Komodo
the meanest lizard
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najwredniejsza jaszczurka
the kindest friend
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najmilszy przyjaciel
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zwierzęta mięsożerne
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zwierzęta roślinożerne
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cannibals include snakes, lizards and spiders
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kanibale to między innymi węże, jaszczurki i pająki
clean beaches
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czyste plaże
small cows
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małe krowy
the most colourful parrot
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najbardziej kolorowa papuga
the most dangerous deer
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najbardziej niebezpieczny jeleń
the most delicious breakfast
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najpyszniejsze śniadanie
Orangutangs are caring and loyal
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Orangutany są troskliwe i lojalne
on the ground
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na ziemi
crunch, crunch
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chrup, chrup

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