My lesson 4

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I love raisins in my wheat bread.
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Me encantan las pasas en mi pan de trigo.
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desechos, residuos, desperdicios.
desechos, residuos, desperdicios.
dust ruffle.
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volante de polvo.
colcha con holanes y pliegues para decorar la base de los colchones.
towel rack.
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el tuallero.
floor lamp.
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lampara de piso, lampara de pie.
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alcachofas (fruta verde parecida a la granada).
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Medias ........ (hasta las piernas).
to sauté.
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freír. sofreir con poco acete.
colon mark.
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los dos puntos y seguido.
full slip.
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fondo entero de mujer.
half slip.
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medio fondo de mujer.
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la costurera.
a flock of birds.
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una parvada de pajaros.
take in. or take (something) in.
take in= to make (a piece of clothing) smaller or shorter. I lost weight and had to take in my pants.
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Achicar, agarrarle a (una camisa, pantalon, etc. de cualquir parte).
Could you LET OUT the waistband of these trousers, please? I seem to have put on some weight since I last wore them. ------- let out (something).
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Agrandar, (una camisa, pantalón, etc. de cualquir parte). let out. or let (something) out= to make (a shirt, skirt, a pair of pants, etc.) larger.
lengthen the hemline.
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alargar, la bastilla de un pantalon.
shorten the hemline.
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recortar, la bastilla de un pantalon.
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el dobladillo. la bastilla de un pantalon.
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modista. (Persona creadora de ropa).
to slip one's mind.
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olvidarsele a uno algo.
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la costura.
What’s the name of this?.
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buttonhole ... el ojal (ranura donde se abotona una camisa, pantalon, etc.
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medias de mujer a las rodillas.
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medias de mujer hasta la cintura.
seam ripper.
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el rompecosturas.
is a tight piece of clothing that covers the body but not the legs, usually worn by female dancers or women doing physical exercise.
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el leotardo. (calzon elastico hasta los hombros para los aerobics).
pin cushion.
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cojin para clavar alfileres.
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el sastre.
spool of thread.
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el carrete de hilo.
sewing and alterations.
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costura y alterasiones.
lavar la ropa. (HACER LA ROPA).
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do the laundry.
crewneck sweater.
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sueter con cuello de cisne. (cuello redondo).
sleeveless shirt.
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camisa sin mangas.
tank top.
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playera de tirantes (como las de los basketbolistas).
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bata de baño.
to slip on clothes. or to slip into clothes.
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ponerse rapidamente algo como ropa.
a steep cliff.
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precipicio empinado.
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tubo, conducto.
pest. is an insect or small animal which is harmful or which damages crops. common pests such as rats, mice or cockroaches.
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to simmer.
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hervir a fuego lento. ebullir. ebullición a fuego lento, hervor.
to stir.
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revolver, mezclar, bebidas, comida.
to pour.
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servir bebidas, o cualquier liquido en un vaso.
flashing lights, or blinking lights.
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luces luminosas.
baggy pants.
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pantalones bombachos (tipo gangueros).
dust ruffle= a piece of cloth that is gathered together along one edge and used to decorate something.
laundry basket.
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canasta para sacar la ropa de la secadora.
writing assignment.
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asignamiento, tarea de escritura, de redaccion (para la escuela).
write a first draft.
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escribir un primer borrador.
edit your paper.
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corregir, editar su ensayo (de redaccion).
get feedback.
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recibir comentarios.
turn in your paper. or hand in your paper.
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entregar su ensayo (de redaccion).
V-neck sweater.
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sueter con cuello V.
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carne de ternera, carne de ternero.
calf. ---- C A L F.
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ternera, ternero. becerrito.
He was wearing a pair of oxfords at the ceremony. - - - oxfords.
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zapatos de vestir con cordones.
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zapatos para mujer de vestir tipo zapatillas no muy altos.
Ocupadocuerpo... Norizòn muchacho... entrometido, metiche.
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busybody guy —- or —- nosy guy.
a person who gets sexual pleasure from secretly watching other people have sex or a person who likes seeing and talking or writing about something that is considered to be private.
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mirón, fisgón.
basurero ?.
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garbage dump.
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juez de línea.
Donald Trump looking for food in a garbage dump.
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Donal Trump buscando comida en un basurero.
Chimotrufia wears knee hights or knee socks.
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La chimotrufia usa medias hasta las rodillas.
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puerto maritimo.
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harpa. (instrumento musical).
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mirón, fisgón.
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desventaja, falla, imperfeccion, defecto.
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ropa de playa.
Our baby is now too big for her crib.
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Nuestro bebé es ahora demasiado grande para su cuna.
crib= cuna, moises. (US). a small bed with high sides for a baby.
The baby's crib has a dust ruffle around the mattress.
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La cuna del bebé tiene un volante de polvo alrededor del colchón.
crib= cuna, moises. (US). a small bed with high sides for a baby.
Enri Ovi has dual citizenship.
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Enri Ovi tiene la doble nacionalidad.
dual= doble. having two different parts, uses, etc.
Our car has dual air bags.
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Nuestro coche tiene bolsas de aire duales.
dual= doble. having two different parts, uses, etc.
She pursued dual careers in music and acting.
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Ella siguió carreras duales en la música y la actuación.
dual= doble. having two different parts, uses, etc.
Families with dual incomes.
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Las familias con ingresos dobles.
dual= doble. having two different parts, uses, etc.
The baby's bed has a dust ruffle around the matress.
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La cama del bebé tiene un volante de polvo alrededor del colchón.
dust ruffle= a piece of cloth that is gathered together along one edge and used to decorate something.
The boy's bed has a (dust ruffle) around the matress.
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La cama del niño tiene un (volante de polvo) alrededor del colchón.
dust ruffle= a piece of cloth that is gathered together along one edge and used to decorate something.
The jewel pursued dual careers in music and acting.
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La joya perseguido carreras duales en la música y la actuación.
dual= doble. having two different parts, uses, etc.
I found a raisin in my wheat bread.
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Encontré una pasa en mi pan de trigo.
raisin= pasa. a dried grape used for food.
I found a raisin in my (wheat) bread.
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Encontre una pasa en mi pan de trigo.
wheat= trigo. a kind of grain that is used to make flour for breads, cookies, etc.
I found a raisin in my (wheat) bread.
wheat= a kind of grain that is used to make flour for breads, cookies, etc.
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futon. is a Japanese mattress, often on a wooden frame, that can be used for sitting on or rolled out to make a bed.
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sofa cama.
futon. is a Japanese mattress, often on a wooden frame, that can be used for sitting on or rolled out to make a bed.
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sofa cama.
(Hydrogen peroxide) may damage your hair.
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Agua oxigenada.
She said, that she usually uses (hydrogen peroxide) to bleach her face.
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Agua oxigenada.
Ramiro the voyeur was found to have been filming the ladies...... Voyeur.
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Fisgon... Ramiro el fisgon fue encontrado filmando las damas.
No boats are allowed to enter the harbor after midnight.
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No botes son autorizados a entrar en el puerto después de la medianoche.
Would you like to pour the drinks while I open a bag of nuts.
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¿Quieres verter las bebidas mientras abro una bolsa de frutos secos.
to make ends meet.
make ends meet= to pay for the things that you need to live when you have little money.
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hacer rendir el dinero, llegar a fin de mes.
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He was wearing a pair of oxfords at the ceremony.
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El estaba usando un par de zapatos con cordones en la ceremonia.
We had a hard time making ends meet.
make ends meet= to pay for the things that you need to live when you have little money.
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tuvimos un tiempo dificil haciendo rendir el dinero, llegar a fin de mes.
Leave the vegetables to simmer for a few minutes.
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Deje las verduras hirviendo a fuego lento durante unos minutos.
She slipped into or slipped on her nightgown and went to bed.
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ella se pusó rapidamente el camisón y se fue a la cama.
He slipped into or slipped on his trousers and went to answer the door...
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el se puso su pantalon rapidamente y fue a abrir la puerta.
water chute.
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A laundry chute.
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Un conducto de la lavandería.
She wore black leather pumps with her suit.
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Ella Llevaba zapatos de salón negros con su traje.
The neighbor busybody is telling everyone that the couple up the street is getting divorced.
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El vesino entrometido está diciendole a todos que la pareja de la calle de arriva se está divorciando.
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SPELL: alibi.
a - li - bi.
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a - li - bi. alibi. coartada.
SPELL: marbles.
mar - bles.
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mar - bles. canicas.
Como niño solía jugar con canicas.
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As child I used to played with marbles.
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Water chute.

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