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мрачный, тяжелый, гнетущий, зловещий
Я боюсь, что ситуация гораздо более мрачная, чем мы предполагали
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I'm afraid the situation is much more dire than we'd expected.
отвратительный, вшивый
Конечно, это до того, как ей сделали отвратительный лифтинг лица.
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Of course that's before she got the lousy face-lift.
лифтинг лица
Конечно, это до того, как ей сделали отвратительный лифтинг лица.
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face lift
Of course that's before she got the lousy face-lift.
Ты знаешь, это забавно. Когда мои родители развелись, они отправили меня к тому психиатру,
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You know, it's funny. When my parents got divorced, they sent me to this shrink
Стоило попытаться, а?
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Worth a shot, huh?
бесполезный, пустячный
Это просто кажется таким бесполезным, понимаешь? Все эти женщины и ничего!
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It just seems so futile, you know? All these women and nothing!
плащ с капюшоном, накидка, мыс
У меня есть плащ, и всё же я не могу летать.
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I have the cape, and yet I cannot fly.
Я боюсь, у меня есть некоторые плохие новости. Марсель умер.
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pass on
I am afraid I have some bad news. Marcel has passed on.
Загадка деревьев, перевёрнутый вверх ногами обитатель ночи. Насмехающийся над гравитацией...
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Enigma of the trees, upside-down denizen of the night. Taunting gravity...
ворчать, хрипеть
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grumbling, wheeze
великолепный, блестящий
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индюк (м.р)
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внимательно перечитывать
to look at or read (something) in an informal or relaxed way: to examine or read (something) in a very careful way
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позиция, установка
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... that place got me rethinking my stance.
нападать с целью ограбления
: (intr) to pose or make faces especially to attract attention or for a camera transitive verb: photograph
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That's mugging! You should rethink your priorities.
быть рожденным в конкретном окружении
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be born into/to/of something
(=be born in a particular situation, type of family etc) "the only one in this room who was born into his job."
глубокий, чрезвычайный, глубоко прочувствованный
having or showing great knowledge or understanding: difficult to understand: requiring deep thought or wisdom: very strongly felt
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Something... profound.
отвратительный, ужасный
very ugly or disgusting
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You said they were... hippie hideous.
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What if a woman doesn't want to be a seamstress her whole life, what would she have to do?
неподобающий; непристойный, недостойный
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- You make it all sound so unseemly...
запрет на передачу СМИ информации по делу
law: an order by a judge or court saying that the people involved in a legal case cannot talk about the case or anything related to it in publicпостановление о запрещении передачи информации
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gag order
What is he doing here? I thought there was a gag order against him.
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You are running a trashy book and I want to trash him.
щеголять, выставлять на показ
: to show (something) in a very open way so that other people will notice: to show a lack of respect for (something, such as a rule)
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She liked to flaunt her wealth by wearing furs and jewelry. They openly flaunted the rules.
тюрьма (сленг)
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big house
there's nothing in that diary that can save your mother from the big house.
сл. гомосексуалист
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ополаскивать, промывать
1 : to cleanse by flushing with liquid (as water) —often used with out <rinse out the mouth> 2 a: to cleanse (as of soap) by clear water b: to treat (hair) with a rinse 3 : to remove (dirt or impurities) by washing lightly or in water only
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The tools were rinsed in alcohol. She rinsed the dirt off the lettuce. He rinsed the soap out of the cup.
: to push or shove (something or someone) up from below
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give smn a boost
Did he at least walk you to it and give you a boost?
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apple-polished, bootlicker
to use flattery or the doing of favors in order to win approval especially from a superior
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suck up
<a young lieutenant constantly sucking up to the commanding officer>
быть жестким
harming someone's feelings; demanding much from someone.
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be hard on
You're too hard on your friends.
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I embellished just a little!
а) образец, образчик; экземпляр б) небольшое количество физиологической жидкости для анализа
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Cut it out!
упорный, упрямый
not willing to do what other people want: very stubborn
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Alex was too headstrong, maybe Alexis can be softer.
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take/have a leak
I gotta go and take a leak.
: the electrical system in an engine that causes the fuel to burn so that the engine begins working: the device that is used to start a car's engine: the act of causing something to start burning: the act of igniting something
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back off!
вносить изменения, переделывать
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Giving up our car has radically altered our lifestyle.
целоваться взасос
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make out
You were supposed to be working on your algebra, not making out!
держаться вместе
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stick together
конечная скорость
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terminal velocity
опиум, наркоман
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an illegal drug (such as marijuana or heroin) they were caught smoking dope. What a dope he is.: a stupid or annoying person
есть маленькими кусочками
to eat slowly or with small bites: to bite (something) very gently грызть
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We nibbled cheese and crackers. We nibbled on some cheese and crackers before dinner.
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1 : to pronounce the sibilants \s\ and \z\ imperfectly especially by turning them into \th\ and \th\ 2 : to speak falteringly, childishly, or with a lisp
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городской житель, непромокаемый плащ
a (1): a clever crook: swindler (2): slickster мошенник b: a city dweller especially of natty appearance or sophisticated mannerisms
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Он шёл нетвёрдой походкой.
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He was walking with an unsteady gait.
повязка (на глазу)
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eye patch
ведьма, карга
1 : an ugly, slatternly, or evil-looking old woman 2 archaic a: a female demon b: an evil or frightening spirit:
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лепетать, болтать
: to talk foolishly or too much
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2) = babble out выболтать; проболтаться Will you stop babbling? I'm already in the bathtub.
в период течки
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in heat
<The cat is in heat.> <like a dog in heat> <an animal that is coming into heat>
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screw up
: not able to think or speak clearly especially because of fever or other illness: very excited
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синяк под глазом
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black eye
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Не шути с моей помадой!
(не связывайся, не трогай) to use or become involved with something or someone dangerous:
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Do not mess with my lipstick!
болтать(ся), махать, манить
: to hang down loosely especially in a way that makes it possible to swing freely: to offer (something) in order to persuade someone to do something /. sat on the edge of the pool, >>>ing her feet in the water.
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He dangled a piece of string in front of the cat. The money she dangled in front of him wasn't enough to convince him to sell. They refused to accept the money that was dangled before their eyes.
поспешный; опрометчивый, безрассудный, необдуманный, неосторожный
: marked by or proceeding from undue haste or lack of deliberation or caution 2 obsolete: quickly effective
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Maybe I'm being a little rash about the male models. / a rash promise
лепетать, судачить, болтать
: to talk for very long about something that is not important or interesting
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Stop your prattling! /They prattled on into the night, discussing school, music, and friends. spent an hour on the phone prattling on about nothing in particular
заносчивый, высокомерный, надменный
: having or showing the insulting attitude of people who believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people:
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She's first in her class, but she's not arrogant about it.
взяться за работу/ быстро начать что-то делать
Поспеши, или мы опоздаем на поезд!
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get cracking ​
get cracking ​ to start doing something quickly: Get cracking (= hurry), or we'll miss the train.
щенок, сопляк
a child who behaves badly
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a spoilt brat
Ты что в него влюбилась?
to suddenly have strong, romantic feelings about someone
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Did you fall for him?
Это была просто ложь, а ты поверил!
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It was just a line to get you out here, and you fell for it!
ненадежный, рискованный, неустойчивый, шаткий
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Many illegal immigrants are in a precarious position.
Не делай вид, что он был дорогим! Потому что это не так
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And don't act like it cost a bundle! Because it clearly didn't!
Еще одно слово, и я тебе шею сверну!
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One more word, and I'll wring your neck!
Таблетки делают меня слишком мягким (расслабленным)
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The drugs make me feel a little too mellow...
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Это длинная история! Понадобится кувшин пива и темный бар!
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That requires a pitcher of beer and a dark bar...
Его жена сказала мне, что она разорвала на кусочки все, связанное с офшорными счетами.
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His wife told me she shredded everything that had to do with off-shore accounts.
Какая же ты легковерная дура!
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What a gullible fool you are!
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Она пришла, чтобы переманить ее!
to persuade someone to leave a company or team in order to work or play for yours /to illegally catch or kill animals, especially by going onto land without the permission of the person who owns it
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She came here to poach her!
to beat smn
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to wail on someone (the free dict)
Это что, сводничество?
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Is this a fix up?
Его поймали на торговле наркотиками.
Be arrested or turned over to the police
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He got busted for dealing drugs.
a full-size model of something large that has not yet been built, showing how it will look or operate:
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Do you like my book? That's just a mock-up.
Имя Вен де Кемп просто слетает с языка.
Something that ////// is easy to say or pronounce:
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The name of the Ven de Kamp camp just trips off the tongue.
Ладно, мне прийдется резать правду-матку!
To tell someone the harsh truth knowing its gonna hurt.
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Okay, I'll have to rip the bandaid off!
быть в унылом настроении
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be down in the dumps
настучать на кого-то, доложить на кого-то
Я настучу на тебя в понедельник.
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tell on sb
I'm telling on you on Monday.
безупречный, идеальный
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