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wierze mysle czuje ze
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I believe I think I feel
naprawde wierze
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I really believe
bylem pod wrazeniem
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I was impressed by
moim zdaniem
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in my opinion
wedlug mnie
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the way i see it
w mojej opinii
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my opinion is that
moim zdaniem
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to my mind
jesli o mnie chodzi to
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as far as I am concerned
wydaje mi sie ze
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it seems/appears to me
wydawałoby sie ze
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it would seem/appear that
nie ma watpliowsci ze
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there is no doubt that
powszechnie uwaza sie ze
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it is popularly believed that
ludzie czesto twierdza ze
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people often claim that
niektorzy dowodzą że
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some people arque that
szczerze mowiac
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to be honest
calkowicie zgadzam sie z...
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I completely agree with...
lepiej niz... bym tego nie ujął
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i couldn’t agree more that/with
jak dla mnie moze byc
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that's fine with me
tez tak mysle
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I think so too
tak uwazam poniewaz
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I think so because
tak naprawde...
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in fact/actually
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what’s more
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powodem dla ktorego tak mysle jest
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the reason why I believe so is
nie zgadzam sie że/ nie zgadzam sie z
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I do not agree that / disagree with
jestem calkowicie przeciwny
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I am totally against
rozumiem co masz na mysli, ale
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I see what you mean, but
rozumiem twoj punkt widzenia, ale
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I see your point of view but
obawiam sie ze nie moge zgodzic sie z
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I'm afraid I can't agree with
nie jestem przekonany do
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I am not convinced about
nie sadze zeby to bylo najlepsze rozwiazanie
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I don't think it’s the be the best solution
musze powiedziec ze nie zgadzam sie / calkowicie nie zgadzam sie z
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I must say I do not agree/ strongly disagree with
bardzo lubie / uwielbiam /poniewaz
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I really enjoy/ like/ love because
wole... niż...
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i prefer ... to...
jest swietny poniewaz
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is great because
w moim odczuciu... jest nudna/nieciekawa
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i find... boring / dull
nie lubie/nie znosze/naprawde nienawidze
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I don't like / i can’t stand/ i really hate
to nie moja bajka/ to nie lezy w kregu moich zainteresowan
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it’s not really my thing

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