mögen vs. gerne - A2

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I like to go to the movies.
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Ich gehe gern ins Kino.
I like dark chocolate.
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Ich mag dunkle Schokolade.
Do you like to cook? (informal)
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Kochst du gerne?
I like to ride my bike.
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Ich fahre gern Fahrrad.
I like the summer.
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Ich mag den Sommer.
I like the sun.
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Ich mag die Sonne.
I like to ski.
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Ich fahre gern Ski.
I don't like to snowboard.
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Ich fahre nicht gern Snowboard.
I like to swim.
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Ich schwimme gern.
He doesn't like night clubs.
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Er mag keine Nachtclubs.
I like to lie on the beach.
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Ich liege gern am Strand.
I like mulled wine.
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Ich mag Glühwein.
Do you like animals? (informal)
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Magst du Tiere?
I like you. (informal)
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Ich mag dich.
I don't like to drink alcohol.
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Ich trinke nicht gern Alkohol.
I like beer.
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Ich mag Bier.
I like to spend time with my family.
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Ich verbringe gern Zeit mit meiner Familie.
I don't like to waste time.
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Ich verschwende nicht gern Zeit.

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