Lesson 46 - 09.04.2018

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monthly budget
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miesięczny budżet
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allowance, pocket money
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zasiłek, kieszonkowe
paper round
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roznoszenie gazet
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łączna liczba, suma
fixed expenses
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stałe wydatki
school meals
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posiłki szkolne
variable expenses
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zmienne wydatki
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pay for regular costs
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opłacać regularne koszty
personal things
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rzeczy osobiste
spend on
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wydawać na
amount of money
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deliver newspapers
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dostarczać gazety
earn money
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zarabiać pieniądze
Let's hear what... has to say.
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Posłuchajmy, co ... ma do powiedzenia.
Who'd like to begin?
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Kto chciałby zacząć?
Can I just add something here?
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Czy mogę coś dodać w tym temacie?
Perhaps I can say something here.
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Być może mogę tu coś powiedzieć.
Shall I start?
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Mam zacząć?
Can I just finish what I was saying?
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Czy mogę skończyć to, co mówiłem?
Just a minute...
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Let him/her finish.
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Pozwól mu / jej skończyć.
Sorry, go on.
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Przepraszam, mów dalej.

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