Lesson 13.09.19

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Polecam Polskę na wakacje
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I recommend Poland for holidays
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Edukacja jest ważna
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Education is important
Spaceruję w górach
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I walk in the mountains
Co się stało?
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What happened?
Jak mogę pomóc?
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How can I help you?
Podaję butelkę wody
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I give a bottle of water
Dbać o kogoś
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Take care of someone
Dbać o dzieci
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Take care of children
Dbać o zwierzęta
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Take care of animals
Pracoholik jest osobą, która lubi pracować bardzo dużo
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A workaholic is a person who likes to work a lot
Fajny sąsiad
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Nice neighbor
Idealny szef
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Perfect boss

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