lekcja 18

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Przed świetami wszyscy chcą nowych zębów
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Before christmes everybody want new teeth
uwierzyć w siebie
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belive in yourself
wierzę w
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belive in
Wierzę w siebie
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I belive in myself
Wierzę, że
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I belive that
płacić za
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pay for
Płaczę za Tobą
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I cry for you
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to cry
Nie jadłem
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I didn’t eat
Nigdy nie jem
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I never eat
Ona prowadzi kawiarnię.
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She runs a café.
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to buy
Biega dokoła pokoju
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She runs around room
Ile pan(i) ma lat?
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How old are you?
Mam 45 lata
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I am 45 years old
On jest 6 lat młodszy ode mnie
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He is 6 years younger then me
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ustalić spotkanie
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establish meeting
znam to miejsce
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I now this place
To nie jest nowe miejsce
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This is not new place
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Już tam była
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She was already there
wciąż, nadal
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W domu jest ciemno
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It is dark in home
Nie szczeka, gdy jest głodna
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She doesn’t bark when she is hungry
Głodny jak wilk.
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Hungry as a wolf.
na tej samej ulicy
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the same street
taki sam / identyczny
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the same
On jest taki sam jak ja
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He is the same like me
On jest taki jak ja
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He is like me
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I’m joking.
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mam, ma
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have got, has got

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