January 19 100%

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Praca magisterska,
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Master thesis
Stworzyłam konto na youtube
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I created a youtube account
Jestem samowystarczalna
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I am self-sufficient
Uprawiam własny ogródek
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I grow my own garden
Nie używam żadnych chemikali
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I don't use any chemicals
Mam własną szklarnie
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I have my own greenhouse
Podlewam kwiaty
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I am water the flowers
Zbiram zioła
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I collect herbs
Magazynuję energię w akumulatorze
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I store energy in the battery
Panele solarne
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Solar panels
Jestem niezależna
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I'm independent
Nie muszę płacić rachunków
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I don't have to pay bills
Sieć elektryczna
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Electrical network
Liczę na Ciebie
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I'm counting on you

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