informatički poslovi - IT jobs

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informatička industrija
Unatoč krizi, situacija u informatičkoj industriji je stabilna.
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IT industry
Despite the crisis, the situation in the IT-industry is stable.
softver arhitekt
Zaposlili smo novog arhitekta softvera.
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software architect
We hired a new software architect.
administrator baze podataka
Tražimo administratora baze podataka kako bi proširili svoj tim.
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database administrator
We are looking for a database administrator to expand our team.
softverski developer
Naši softverski developeri bi morali biti iskusno s relacijskim bazama podataka.
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software developer
Our software developers should also have experience with relational databases.
informatički odjel
Počeo sam u informatičkom odjelu kao administrator sustava.
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IT department
I started in the IT department as a system administrator.
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"Poslovni engleski - informatika"
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