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a level playing field
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fair play
Let's call it a day.
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zakończyć pracę
I can't make a head or tail of it.
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nie mogę się połapać
give the sack / get the sack
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wylać / zostać wylanym
It goes down like a lead balloon
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jak kulą w płot
He has it in for me.
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Uwziął się na mnie.
She makes a meal of everything.
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Robić z igły widły.
His behaviour out of order.
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Jego zachowanie jest nie do zaakceptowania.
He appeared out of the blue.
One night he arrived at my flat right out of the blue.
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nagle, znienacka
Pewnej nocy pojawił się niespodziewanie w moim mieszkaniu.
Pull your socks up!
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Zakasaj rękawy!
It rings a bell.
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Coś mi to mówi.
Let's talk shop. / Let's talk business.
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Porozmawiajmy o interesach.

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