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Powstrzymać emocje płacz śmiech
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Hold back
she tried to hold back her tears and not cry in front of her mum
Powstrzymać się, wahać się
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Hold back
Don’t hold back, take the opportunity while it’s there
Powstrzymywać się/ ukrywać
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Hold in
he held his anger in and didn’t shout at the baby
Powstrzymywać kogoś
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Hold off
The police held off the crowd until the troops arrived
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Hold on
please hold on Mr Matthews is on the other line
Wystarczyć (zapasy)
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Hold out
The food supplies won’t hold out until Monday, so we’ll have to find some food before then
Opierać się wytrwać
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Hold out
The miners held out for 18 months before they called of the strike
Trzymać się czegoś obietnica zdanie
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hold to
whatever you say, I will hold to my opinion
opóźniać odwlekać
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Hold up
Sorry, we are late, we were held up in traffic
Napaść na bank pociąg
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Hold up
The rubbers held up the train and stole £22,000

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