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warga górna
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upper lip
warga dolna
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lower lip
zęby górne
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upper teeth
zęby dolne
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lower teeth
grzbiet międzyzębowy
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alveolar ridge
podniebienie twarde
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hard palate
podniebienie miękkie
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soft palate
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ściana gardła
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pharnyx wall
trzon języka
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body of the tongue
blaszka języka
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balde of the tongue
przód języka
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front of the tongue
tył języka
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back of the tongue
korzeń języka
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root of the tongue
szczęka dolna
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lower jaw
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chrząstka tarczycy
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thyroid cartilage
chrząstka pierście
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cricioid cartilage
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jama ustna
start learning
oral cavity
jama nosowa
start learning
nasal cavity

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