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Chodźmy do kina
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Let’s go to the cienema
Chodźmy na wystawę
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How about going to the exhibition?
Chodźmy na koncert
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Shall we go to a concert?
Chodźmy pojeździć na rowerze
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How about riding a bicycle?
TO może się wydażyć
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This MIGHT happen.
Być może polecę samolotem
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I MIGHT go by plane
Zamierzamy przejechać się wielbłądem
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We ARE GOING TO ride a camel
Zamierzam kupić krem
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I’m GOING TO buy some cream
Poczęk jest NA stole
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the doughnut is ON the table
Krople do oczu są pod stołem
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the eye drops are UNDER the table
Kaskader jest powyżej drzewa
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The stuntman is ABOVE the tree.
Asia jest przedmną
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Asi is IN FRONT OF me
Asi jest za mną
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Asia is BEHIND me
Byłem pomiędzy dwoma samochodami
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I was BETWEEN two cars
Jestem obok kiosku z gazetami
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I am NEXT TO the newsagent’s
Stoje naprzeciwko Asi
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I am standing OPPOSITE Asia
Przechodzę obok bibliteki
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I’m going PAST the library
Quiet quieter
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the quietest
Hot hotter
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the hottest
Crowded more crowded
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the most crowded
Comfortable more comfortable
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the most comfortable
Interesting more interesting
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the most interesting
In my living room THERE are........
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THEY are........
Next to the window THERE is a ........
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IT is ........ and ........
On the floor THERE ........
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IT ........ but........
Next to the door THERE are ........
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THEY are ........
In my appartment THERE........ rooms
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THEY........ but
we like our appartment.
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we like our appartment.
In the kitchen THERE ........
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IT........ but I use it every day.
In Wrocław ........ are ........ people
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THEY often ........
In my office THERE is a........ a........ and a........
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The computer is ... the desk
On my desk THERE is a........ and a ........
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The desk is quite........ and IT’s made of ........
Dojazd do pracy zajmuje mi 10 minut
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It takes me 10 minutes to get to work
Powrót z pracy zajmuje mi 10 minut
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It takes me 10 minutes to get back home from work
Dojazd do szkoły zajmuje jej10 minut
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It takes her 10 minutes to get to school
Powrót z pracy zajmuje jej 10 minut
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It takes her 10 minutes to get back home from work
Musisz zajmować się studentami
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You have to deal with students
Nie musisz zajmować się wetrynarzami
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You don’t have to deal with vets
Ona musi zajmować się hydraulikami
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she has to deal with plumbers

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