Gli Articoli 3

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Police, he is the thief!
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Polizia, lui è il ladro!
Che stiamo cercando
Don Domatello, he is a thief
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Don Domatello, leui è un ladro
If I didn't live in Palermo first, I wouldn't have courage to go by bike in Rome
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Se non vivessi prima a Palermo, non avrei il coraggio di andare in bicicletta a Roma
Il CONGIUNTIVO 2, modo IPOTETICO: congiuntivo + condizionale
~fare la guida
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fare da Cicerone
un esperto di storia
because of, as a consequence of (negative)
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a causa di
Could you do me a favour?
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Mi fai un favore?
to not impose
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non imporre
I impose too much upon Marco
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Mi Impongo troppo su Marco
I impose too much in class
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Mi Impongo troppo in classe
I have some doubts / concerns / I somehow doubt
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Ho dei dubbi / qualche dubbio / alcuni dubbi
I eat some yoghurts
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Mangio dello / qualche / alcuni yogurt
con le parole STRANIERE il NOME rimane in SINGOLARE, si cambia SOLO l'ARTICOLO al PLURALE
I have some questions / few questions / I got some questions
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Ho alcune/delle domande / qualche domanda
different types of yoghurt
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i diversi tipi di yogurt
con le parole STRANIERE il NOME rimane in SINGOLARE, si cambia SOLO l'ARTICOLO al PLURALE
I have no doubt / I'm in no doubt / I do not doubt
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Non ho i dubbi / Non ho alcun dubbio
"il" -> ALCUN
I have no question
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Non ho alcuna domanda
"la" -> ALCUNA
I don't eat any yoghurt
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Non mangio alcuno yogurt
"lo" -> ALCUNO
I cannot eat any yoghurt
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Non posso mangiare nessuno yogurt

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