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pójść na skróty
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cut across
cut across this field f you are in a hurry
ograniczyć coś zredukować
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cut back (on)
we must cut back on eating out, we just can't afford it
zajechać drogę samochodem
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cut in
a car cut in and forced us to slow down
wtrącać się przerywać rozmowę wcinać się
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cut in
would you mind not cutting in until I've finish speaking
przerywać rozmowę
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cut into
the children kept cutting into our conversation
odciąć (dostawę czegoś)
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cut off
our electricity was cut off as we didn't pay the bill on time
odciąć/ odizolować miejsca
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cut off
the flood powódz cut off the village for a week
usuwać pomijać
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cut out
your article is fine provided you cut out the third paragraph - twoj artykul jest w porządku, pod warunkiem wycięcia trzeciego akapitu
nadawać się do, być stworzonym do
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be cut out for to be
I don't think I'm cut out for teaching/ to be a teacher
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cut up
cut up the meat for Johnny otherwise he won't be able to eat it

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call + carry

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