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The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, has thanked his country's National Health Service for saving his life.
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O primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido, Boris Johnson, agradeceu ao Serviço Nacional de Saúde de seu país por salvar sua vida.
Mr Johnson, 55, tested positive for COVID-19 on March the 27th.
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O Sr. Johnson, 55, testou positivo para COVID-19 em 27 de março.
He self-isolated in his apartment in Downing Street, London and continued to lead the country and its response to the coronavirus pandemic.
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Ele se isolou em seu apartamento em Downing Street, Londres, e continuou a liderar o país e sua resposta à pandemia do coronavírus.
However, his symptoms persisted and his condition took a turn for the worse.
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No entanto, seus sintomas persistiram e sua condição piorou.
On April the 5th, he was admitted to a London hospital for tests.
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Em 5 de abril, ele foi internado em um hospital de Londres para exames.
A day later he was moved to the hospital's intensive care unit as his condition worsened.
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Um dia depois, ele foi transferido para a unidade de terapia intensiva do hospital, pois sua condição piorou.
Downing Street said this was a "precautionary move".
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Downing Street disse que este foi um "movimento de precaução".
He remained conscious and was able to breathe without needing a ventilator.
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Ele permaneceu consciente e conseguia respirar sem precisar de um ventilador.
Mr Johnson said the care he received from nurses, doctors and other carers was "exemplary".
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O Sr. Johnson disse que o atendimento que recebeu de enfermeiras, médicos e outros cuidadores foi "exemplar".
He said: "I can't thank them enough. I owe them my life."
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Ele disse: "Não tenho como agradecê-los o suficiente. Devo minha vida a eles".
He is now out of intensive care and is on a recovery ward in the hospital.
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Ele agora está fora da terapia intensiva e está em uma enfermaria de recuperação no hospital.
Downing Street said he was making "very good progress" and had been doing Sudoku puzzles and watching films in his hospital bed.
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Downing Street disse que estava fazendo "um progresso muito bom", resolvia quebra-cabeças de Sudoku e assistia a filmes em sua cama de hospital.
His biographer Andrew Gimson said: "Boris never used to believe in illness.
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Seu biógrafo Andrew Gimson disse: "Boris nunca acreditou em doenças.
He neither admitted to sickness himself.
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Ele também não admitiu a doença.
He believed he was strong enough to keep going regardless of any symptoms from which he might be suffering.
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Ele acreditava que era forte o suficiente para continuar, independentemente de quaisquer sintomas de que pudesse estar sofrendo.
His strong inclination was to overwork, not to put his feet up.
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Sua forte inclinação era trabalhar em excesso, não colocar os pés para cima.
In the light of his experiences one hopes he will change his outlook."
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À luz de suas experiências, espera-se que ele mude sua perspectiva. "

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