At the pharmacy

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I'm tired of running.
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Jestem zmęczony bieganiem.
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I have a headache.
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Boli mnie głowa.
I have a cough.
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Mam kaszel.
I have flu.
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Mam grypę.
I have a bad stomach.
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Boli mnie żołądek.
I have a cold.
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Jestem przeziębiony.
What's the matter?
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Co się stało?
a pharmacist
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aptekarz, farmaceuta
I'm not feeling very well.
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Nie czuję się zbyt dobrze.
What are the symptoms?
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Jakie są objawy?
Are you allergic to sth?
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Czy jesteś uczulony na coś?
break up with sb
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zerwać z kimś
a relationship
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