Article #91 The Museum

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The museum was very interesting.
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O museu foi muito interessante.
There were so many things in the museum that I would need more time to really see everything.
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Havia tantas coisas no museu que eu precisaria de mais tempo para realmente ver tudo.
There were clothes from the past.
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Havia roupas do passado.
I don't know how people wore some of those things.
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Não sei como as pessoas usavam algumas dessas coisas.
They look like they would be uncomfortable.
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Eles parecem desconfortáveis.
I like to wear my jeans.
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Eu gosto de usar meu jeans.
There were things from wars.
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Havia coisas de guerras.
There were bullets, and cannons and even uniforms from the soldiers.
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Havia balas, canhões e até uniformes dos soldados.
I don't think that war is a good thing, but it is good to remember the past and honor the people who died for your country.
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Não acho que a guerra seja uma coisa boa, mas é bom lembrar o passado e homenagear as pessoas que morreram pelo seu país.
There was an old fire truck at the museum.
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Havia um velho caminhão de bombeiros no museu.
This fire truck was pulled by a horse.
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Este caminhão de bombeiros foi puxado por um cavalo.
There were some very old photographs of the firemen putting out fires.
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Havia algumas fotos muito antigas dos bombeiros apagando incêndios.
There were rooms in the museum that were set up like an old house.
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Havia salas no museu montadas como uma casa antiga.
There were antique irons and sewing machines.
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Havia ferros antigos e máquinas de costura.
The women used to clean the clothes with a washboard.
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As mulheres costumavam limpar as roupas com uma tábua de lavar.
There were no modern appliances back then.
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Não havia aparelhos modernos naquela época.
I'm glad that we have electricity and modern appliances.
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Fico feliz por termos eletricidade e aparelhos modernos.
The things that we have make life so much easier.
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As coisas que temos tornam a vida muito mais fácil.
There were mummies from Egypt at the museum.
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Havia múmias do Egito no museu.
was fascinated by those.
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ficou fascinado por aqueles.
There were artifacts from the Indians.
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Havia artefatos dos índios.
There were arrowheads and cradles that the babies slept in.
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Havia pontas de flechas e berços em que os bebês dormiam.
I tried my best to see everything, but it was almost impossible.
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Eu tentei o meu melhor para ver tudo, mas era quase impossível.
The museum is a good place to learn about your past.
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O museu é um bom lugar para aprender sobre seu passado.
I tried to imagine my grandparents using some of the things that were on display at the museum.
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Tentei imaginar meus avós usando algumas das coisas que estavam em exibição no museu.

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