Article #15 Halloween Night

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Halloween is fun.
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Halloween é divertido.
My mom buys candy.
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Minha mãe compra doces.
My Mom buys potato chips.
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Minha mãe compra batatas fritas.
My Mom buys chocolate bars.
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Minha mãe compra barras de chocolate.
It is for the trick or treating.
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É para a doçura ou travessura.
My Mom buys me a costume.
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Minha mãe me compra uma fantasia.
It is a ghost costume.
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É uma fantasia de fantasma.
I am going to be scary.
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Eu vou ser assustador.
My sister is going to dress up as a princess.
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Minha irmã vai se vestir de princesa.
She will have a wand.
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Ela terá uma varinha.
She will have a crown.
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Ela terá uma coroa.
She (will look) beautiful.
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Ela (ficará) linda.
My Dad buys a pumpkin.
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Meu pai compra uma abóbora.
It is going to be a "Jack O'Lantern".
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Vai ser um "Jack O'Lantern".
We draw a face on the pumpkin.
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Nós desenhamos um rosto na abóbora.
We (carve) the face with a knife.
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(Esculpimos) o rosto com uma faca.
Our "Jack O'Lantern" looks funny.
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Nosso "Jack O'Lantern" parece engraçado.
We go trick or treating.
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Nós vamos doces ou travessuras.
We knock on the neighbor’s door.
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Batemos na porta do vizinho.
We say, "trick or treat."
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Dizemos "doces ou travessuras".
Our neighbors give us candy.
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Nossos vizinhos nos dão doces.
We say thanks.
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Nós agradecemos.
We go to many houses.
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Nós vamos a muitas casas.
We go home.
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Nós vamos para casa.
Our parents (check) our -candy-.
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Nossos pais (conferem) nossos -doces-.
It's safe.
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É seguro.
We eat lots of candy.
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Nós comemos muitos doces.
We don't feel very good.
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Não nos sentimos muito bem.
We go to bed.
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Nós vamos para a cama.

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