Appendix 9/11

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Question English Answer English
be made up
start learning
lead on
start learning
persuade sb to believe
look after
start learning
take care of (L)
look ahead
start learning
think about the future (L)
look at
start learning
read (L)
look back
start learning
think about the past (L)
look down on
start learning
despise (L)
look for
start learning
search for (L)
look in
start learning
to make a short visit (L)
look into
start learning
investigate (L)
look on
start learning
watch sth without taking part (L)
look onto
start learning
have a view (L)
look out
start learning
watch out (L)
look out for
start learning
search in order to find sth (L)
look over
start learning
examine (L)
look to
start learning
rely on sb (L)
look up
start learning
search for a word (L)
look up to
start learning
respect (L)
make for
start learning
head for (M)
make off with
start learning
steal sth and hurry away with it (M)
make out
start learning
complete sth (M)
make over
start learning
transfer the ownership of sth (M)
make sth into
start learning
convert (M)
make up
start learning
invent a story, form (M)
make up for
start learning
compensate sb (M)
rise up
start learning
rule out
start learning
call of
start learning
live on sb
start learning
get the money needed from sb (LIVE)
live through
start learning
experience over time (LIVE)
live up to
start learning
reach the standard that may be expected (LIVE)
live with
start learning
tolerate and endure it (LIVE)
meet with
start learning
have as a reaction
miss out
start learning
forget to include
move on to
start learning
pass to another subject
narrow down
start learning
note down
start learning
pass over
start learning
hand over
start learning
phase out
start learning
stop using
piece together
start learning
create a picture of
put about
start learning
spread rumors (PUT)
put across
start learning
communicate (PUT)
put aside
start learning
save for later use (PUT)
put away
start learning
put into confinement (PUT)
put back
start learning
delay (PUT)
put down
start learning
write in a particular place (PUT)
put down to
start learning
attribute to (PUT)
put forward
start learning
suggest (PUT)
put in
start learning
make an request (PUT)
put in for
start learning
apply for (PUT)
put off
start learning
discourage/postpone (PUT)
put on
start learning
gain weight, advance, present (PUT)
put out
start learning
extinguish (PUT)
put sb up
start learning
give accommodation to (PUT)
put sth behind one
start learning
deliberately forget (PUT)
put through
start learning
carre sth out (PUT)
put up with
start learning
tolerate (PUT)
run across
start learning
find by chance (R)
run after
start learning
pursue (R)
run away
start learning
leave (R)
run away with an idea
start learning
accept it without careful thinking (R)
run behind
start learning
be delayed (R)
run down
start learning
criticise or stop functioning gradually (R)
run in
start learning
use a new vehicle carefully (R)
run into
start learning
meet by chance (R)
run off
start learning
produce quickly (R)
run out of
start learning
exhaust the supply of sth (R)
run through
start learning
rehearse (R)
run up
start learning
accumulate bills (R)
run up against
start learning
encounter difficulties (R)
see about
start learning
make arrangements for (SEE)
see off
start learning
accompany a traveler (SEE)
see out
start learning
accompany sm to the exit (SEE)
see over
start learning
inspect properly (SEE)
see through
start learning
not be deceived (SEE)
see to
start learning
take care of (SEE)
settle down
start learning
live a more permanent life-style
settle for
start learning
accept sth
settle in
start learning
become used to a new house or job
settle on
start learning
decide on
settle up
start learning

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