angielski 2

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Question Answer
walczyć o / by
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struggle to
oskażyć o / pować
start learning
sue sb for
cierpieć na
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suffer from
przelać na
start learning
transfer sth to
zafundować sobie
start learning
treat yourself to
spaść z
start learning
fall of
ostrzec przed
start learning
warn sb against
w akompaniamencie
start learning
accompanied by
przyzwyczajony do
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accustomed to
czuć pociąg do
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attracted to
zalać czymś / być pełnym
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awash with / bombarded with
korzystny dla
start learning
beneficial for
zatroskany / zmartwiony czymś
start learning
concerned about
zgodny z
start learning
consistent with
związany z
start learning
connected with
start learning
curious about
zależny od
start learning
dependent on

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