8 - come

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napotkac problemy
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come across problems
Natknalem sie na te zdjecia kiedy przegladalem jego rzeczy
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I came across these photos when I was looking through his belongings
Spotkalem go przypadkiem wczoraj
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I came across him yesterday
Zapros ci do nas
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Invite them to come around
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come into sth
On odziedziczyl wielka fortune
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He came into a huge fortune
Co bys zrobila gdybys odziedziczyla te pieniadze?
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What would you have done, if you had come into this money?
Oni zaistnieja jezeli pojada do USA
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They come into existence if they go to USA
Ustawa wchodzi w zycie jutro
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The law comes into a force tomorrow
Jest zbyt ciemno. Zdjecia nie wyjda tutaj
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It’s too dark in here. The photos won’t come out.
Jej nowy album wychodzi w przyszłym miesiacu
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Her new album is coming out next month.
Guzik w spodniach odrywa sie
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The button on the pants comes off
naklejka odkleja sie
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a sticker comes off
Telefon rozpadl sie w moich rekach
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The phone just came apart in my hands
Sukces nie sprowadza się tylko do szczęścia
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Success doesn't come down to just luck
Ta sytuacja nie sprowadza sie do jego decyzji, to jest bardziej zagmatwane
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This situation isn't coming down to just his decision, it is more complex
Ich pomsyl wypalił
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Their idea came off
On zachorowal na grype i nie przyjdzie
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He came down with the flu, and he’s not going to come around
Czy kiedykolwiek chorowałeś na zapalenie płuc?
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Have you ever come down with pneumonia?
Po 30 minutach reanimacji odzyskał przytomność
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After 30 minutes of resuscitation, he came round
stac sie
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come about
Nie wiem, jak to się stało, że oni sa razem
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I don’t know how it came about that they are a couple
Jak to sie stalo ze spotkales swoja zone?
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How did it come about that you met your wife?
Ile wynosi rachunek?
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How much does the bill come to?
Wypadlo mi cos pilnego. Spoznie sie.
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Something urgent has come up. I’ll be late.
Jeśli pojawią się jakieś pytania lub wątpliwości, prosze pytajcie
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If any questions or doubts will come up, please let me know
Ten temat rzadko pojawia sie w rozmowach
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This topic rarely comes up in our conversations
Czy masz juz rozwiazanie?
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Have you come up with the solution?
Jestes ostatnia osoba ktorej sie spodziewalem spotkac. Chcialbys przyjsc do nas dzis wieczorem?
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You are the last person that I expected to come across. Would you like to come over to ours tonight?
Jak moglo dojsc do takiego zamieszania?
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How did such a confused situation come about?
Jak doszlo do tego ze policja byla w to zaangazowana?
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How did it come about that the police were involved?
Jak do tego doszlo?
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How did it come about?
Jak to sie stalo ze nigdy nie poslubilas Tima?
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How come you have never married Tim?

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