4 - take

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take off
wychodzic (zabierac) kogos, gdzies
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take sb out
wziąć (np pozyczke)
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take out
brac na wynos
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take away
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take down
przejmowac (np kontrole)
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take over
przyjmowac kogos do pracy/podejmowac sie czegos
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take on
odebrac cos/zwrocic
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take back
zajmowac sie czyms
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take up
byc podobnym do
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take after sb
zlapac sie na cos
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to be taken in
Lece, do zobaczenia jutri
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I am taking off, see you tomorrow
Powinienesbyl kupic ubezpieczenie przed podroza
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You should have taken out the insurance before the trip
Zabieram ją dzisiaj na kolacje
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I'm taking her out to dinner tonight
Prosze notuj podczas spotkania
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Plase take down the notes during the meeting
Cofam wszystko co powiedzialem
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I am taking back everything I said before
Podejmiemy sie tego projektu
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We will take on this project
Firma rosnie, bedziemy musieli zatrudnic wiecej osob
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The company is growing, we will have to take on more people
Zmierzę się z tobą w tenisa
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I will take you on at tennis
Zamierzam zaczac uczyc sie niemieckiego
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I'm going to take up German classes
Moja mama interesuje sie ogrodem
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My mother takes up gardening
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take up
Prezentacja musi byc skrocona
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The presentation must be taken up
Do kogo ona jest podobna?
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Who does she take after?
Nie daj sie jego sztuczkom
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Don’t be taken in by his tricks.
Te spodnie trzeba zwęzić
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These trousers need taking in
Przeczytałem cały podręcznik, ale nic nie zrozumiałem
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I read the whole manual, but I didn’t take in anything
Przygarnelismy ich na kilka dni.
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We took them in for a couple of days

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