3.12 fiszki WORK

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łatwy w obsłudze szef
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easy-going boss
sprawiedliwy szef
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fair boss
elastyczny czas
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flexible time
pełen etat/ część etatu/ pół etatu
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full-time / part-time / part-time
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hourly wages
kontakt z ludzmi
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contact with people
atmosfera w pracy
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atmosphere at work
duza pensja
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large salary
czas pracy bateri
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battery life
spełnienie marzeń
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making dreams come true
praca z domu / praca zdalna
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home working
praca z domu
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remote work
szkolenia dla rozwoju
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a lot of training to develop
sznasa na awans
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a chance for promotion
przyjacielscy koledzy z pracy
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friendly colleagues at work
bezpieczenstwo w pracy
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safety at work
płatne wakacje, płatny urlop
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holiday pay
płatne chorobowe
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sick pay
dodatki do pensji
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extra benefits
prywatna opieka medyczna
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private health insurance
samochód służbowy
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company car
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firmowe przedszkole
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corporate kindergarten
upowaznienie, pelnomocnictwo
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isc na wakacje
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go on holiday
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to appreciate
rozwijac sie w
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develop in
prawo pracy
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labour law
kodeks pracy
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employment law
urlop chorobowy
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sick leave
zwolnienie lekarskie
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sick note
zarabiac na zycie, utrzymywac sie
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make a living, make a living
wlasny posiadac
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own to own
dział personalny
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human resources department
umysł ścisły
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strict mind
dział finansowy, finanse
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financial department, finance
prawnik, prawniczka
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szukac informacji
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search for information
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urzad marszałkowski
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Marshal Office
stabilna praca ›
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stable work ›
rezygnowac z pracy
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give up work, leve, quick, resign
byc obsadzonym na stanowisku
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fil a position
nie ruszac sie z miejsca
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sit put
przygotowywac hr dokumentację
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prepare hr documentation
niesie dużo emocji
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carries a lot of emotions
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hairdresser / barber
praca na boku jako
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work on the side as
połączyc prace i studia
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combine work and studies
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w pośpiechu
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take decision in a hurry
zawody w których dbamy o ludzi
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professions in which we care about people
pasuje do twojego charakteru
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fits your character
nie dac nic po sobie znac
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let me know nothing
zachowac spokój
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keep a stright face
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zajmowac sie pieniedzmi
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deal with money
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giełda papierów wartościowych
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Stock Exchange
rozwazyc cos
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consider something
szczeble kariery
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career levels
dostać podwyżkę
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to get a raise / rise
nie dotrzymać terminu
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miss a deadline
dotrzymać terminu
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meet the deadline
isc na emeryture
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zamrozic pensje
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freeze salaries
nie wykonywac obowiązków w pracy
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not performing work duties
isc na 6 miesieczne zwolnienie lekarskie
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go on a 6-month sick leave

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