2019.07.10 Prepositions in questions / to - żeby

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naprawić, zreperować
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mend, fix, repair
trzeba wymienić żarówkę; żarówka wymaga wymiany
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the lightbulb needs replacing
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płot; ogrodzenie
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gwóźdź; paznokieć
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a nail
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żeby; aby
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to; in order to; so as to
dwie myszy
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two mice
topór; siekiera
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an axe
zacząć coś robić
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start doing something
zacznijać pływać
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start swimming
Chciałbym zaprosić was na kolację
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I would like to invite you for a dinner.
O czym jest ta książka?
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What is this book about?
Skąd pochodzisz?
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Where do you come from?
Pochodzę z Polski?
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Do I come from Poland?
Czego słuchasz?
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What are you listening to?
słuchać muzyki / słuchać radia
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listen to music /listen to the radio
na 5 o'clock
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at 5 o'clock
Żyję za niewielkie pieniądze
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I live on very little money
Po co to zrobiłeś?
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What did you do that for?
Po co?
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What for?
Po co to kupiłeś?
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What did you buy that for?
szukać pracy
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look for a job
Szukam mojego telefonu.
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I'm looking for my phone.
Skąd go znasz?
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Where do you know him from?
Od czego to zależy?
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What does it depend on?
To zależy od pogody.
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It depends on the weather.
Z kim jadłeś lunch?
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Whodid you have lunch with?
Kiedy wrócą?
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When will they be back?
W czym jesteś najlepszy?
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What are you best at?
Jestem dobry w bazach danych.
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I'm good at databases.
być w czymś dobrym
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be good at something
być w czymś kiepskim/złym
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be bad at something
Jestem beznadziejny w śpiewaniu.
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I'm hopeless at singing.
Chciałbyś zdjąć kurtkę?
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Would you like to take your jacket off?
Do kogo należy ten telefon?
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Who does this phone belong to?
Czyj to laptop?
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Whose laptop is it?
Czyje są te okulary?
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Whose glasses are these?
Co ty mówisz? O czym ty mówisz?
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What are you talking about?
Komu to dałeś?
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Who did you give it to?

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