N3: 201-300

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prepare ビ そな.える to prepare, to provide for そな.わる to be furnished with
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say シン もう.す to say
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example レイ たと.える to illustrate, to compare たと.えば for example
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work ドウ はたら.く to work
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scenery ケイ
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extract バツ ぬ.く to extract, pull out ぬ.ける to come / fall out; be omitted ぬ.かす to omit ぬ.かる to make a blunder
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far away エン オン とお.い far
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die out ゼツ た.える to die out た.やす to eradicate た.つ to sever, to cut off
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defeat フ ま.かす to defeat ま.ける to be defeated お.う to carry (on one's back)
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fortune フク
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ball キュウ たま
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sake シュ さけ さか-
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you クン きみ
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surmise サツ
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wish for ボウ モウ のぞ.む to wish for
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marriage コン
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simple タン
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push オウ お.す to push お.さえる to check, to restrain
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separate カツ わ.る to separate, to divide わ.れる to split apart, to crack わり proportion, 10% さ.く to cut up
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limit ゲン かぎ.る to limit, restrict
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return レイ もど.る to return もど.す to send back
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department カ
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request キュウ もと.める to request, want, demand
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discussion ダン
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get off コウ お.りる to get off お.ろす to drop off ふ.る to fall (eg rain)
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wife サイ つま
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hill おか hill, Mount
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hot ネツ あつ.い
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float フ う.かぶ う.く to float う.かべる to launch, to refloat, to waft う.かれる to frolic
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equal トウ ひと.しい equal, similar
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end マツ バツ すえ
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happiness コウ さち しあわ.せ さいわ.い
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grass ソウ くさ
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surpass エツ こ.す こ.える to surpass
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climb トウ ト のぼ.る to climb
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kind ルイ たぐ.い kind, type
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not yet ミ
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standard キ
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vitality セイ ショウ
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hug ホウ だ.く いだ.く to hug かか.える to carry, to hold (an object, a burden)
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labor ロウ
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deal with ショ
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retreat タイ しりぞ.く to retreat, back off しりぞ.ける to repel
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spend ヒ つい.やす to spend つい.える to be wasted
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mistake ヒ
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rejoice キ よろこ.ぶ to rejoice
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daughter むすめ
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escape トウ に.げる のが.れる to escape に.がす のが.す to free
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grope タン さぐ.る to grope for さが.す to search for
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crime ハン おか.す to commit a crime
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medicine ヤク くすり
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garden エン その garden, park
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doubt ギ うたが.う to doubt
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strap ショ チョ お strap, thong
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quiet セイ ジョウ しず.か quiet, still しず.まる to become still しず.める to becalm, to quell
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tool グ
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seat セキ
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fast ソク はや.い はや.まる be hasty はや.める to expedite, to hasten すみ.やか speedy
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dance ブ ま.う to dance まい
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inn シュク やど an inn やど.る to lodge やど.す to give lodgings
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extent テイ ほど
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fall over トウ たお.れる to fall over たお.す to knock down
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sleep シン ね.かす to lay down ね.る to sleep, to lie down
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home タク
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picture カイ エ
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tear ハ やぶ.る to tear, break やぶ.れる to get torn, broken
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courtyard テイ にわ courtyard, garden
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wife フ
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surplus; left over; extra ヨ あま.す to leave over あま.る to be left over
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visit ホウ たず.ねる to visit おとず.れる to ask, to visit
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cold レイ つめ.たい さ.める to (become) cool さ.ます to (make) cool ひ.や cold (sake, water) ひ.える to get chilly ひ.やす to chill ひ.やかす to banter
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get dark ボ く.れる to get dark く.らす to make a living
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stomach フク はら stomach, abdomen
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dangerous キ あぶ.ない あや.ぶむ to be apprehensive of 👌あや.うく barely, narrowly; almost
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permit キョ ゆる.す to permit, allow, forgive
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similar ジ に.る to be similar to
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steep ケン けわ.しい
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money ザイ サイ
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play ユ ユウ あそ.ぶ
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miscellaneous ザツ ゾウ
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fear キョウ おそ.れる to fear, be afraid of おそ.ろしい terrible, dreadful
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price チ ね あたい price, value
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dark アン くら.い
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load セキ つ.む to load, to heap up つ.もる to be piled up
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dream ム ゆめ
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pain ツウ いた.い painful いた.む to hurt, be painful いた.める to hurt, damage
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wealth フ フウ とみ と.む to grow / be wealthy
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chisel; time コク きざ.む to chisel, engrave
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chirp メイ な.く to chirp, to twitter な.る to sound, to ring な.らす to make ring
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want ヨク ほ.しい ほっ.する to want
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road ト
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melody; curve キョク ま.がる to curve, to bend (intr) ま.げる to twist (tr)
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ear ジ みみ
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complete カン
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request ガン ねが.う to request, to petition
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sin ザイ つみ
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positive ヨウ
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dead ボウ モウ な.い to be deceased, to have ceased to be
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scatter サン ち.らす to scatter, to distribute ち.らかす to scatter around ち.らかる to be in disorder ち.る to fall (leaves etc)
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hanging か.かる to be hanging, to cost, to take か.ける to hang up, to spend, to multiply -がかり person in charge

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