2 - to look

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Patrzec/spojrzec na
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Look at sb/sth
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Look for
Opiekowac sie/troszczyc sie
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Look after
Rozgladac sie
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Look around
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Look up
Podziwiac kogos
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Look up to sb
Patrzec na kogos z gory
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Look down on sb
Czekac z niecierpliwoscia
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Look forward to
Sprawdzic ponownie
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Look over
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Look into sth
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Look through sth
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Look out
Szukam pliku z analiza kosztów, wiesz gdzie jest?
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I am looking for a cost analysis file, do you know where it is?
Musisz zadbac o swoje zdrowie
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You must look after your health
Musze rozejrzec sie za nowym mieszkaniem
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I have to look around a new apartament
Poszukam ich adresu w internecie
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I will look up their address on the Internet
Czy sprawdziles to ponownie?
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Did you look it up once more?
Sytuacja sie poprawia
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The situation is looking up
Powienines odwiedzic ją w Londynie
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You should look her up in London
Podziwiam ludzi jak Tim i gardze takimi jak John
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I look up to people like Tim and I look down on people like John
Nie moge sie doczekac az Ciebie zobacze
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I’m looking forward to seeing you
Musze przejrzec ponownie notatki przed spotkaniem
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I have to look over my notes before the meeting
Musimy to zbadac/przeanalizowac tak szybko jak to mozliwe
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We must look into it as soon as possible
Musimy przejrzeć te dokumenty i skupic sie na istotnych
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We must look through these files and focus on relevant one
Musisz uwazac na oszustow
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You must look out the frauds

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