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wziąłem dwóch ludzi do Gdańska
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I took two people to Gdańsk
jedna noc kosztuje 50 zł
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one night costs PLN 50
wezmę urlop
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I will take a leave
ona będzie zachwycona
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she will be delighted
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nie simplier
każdy musi być lepszą wersją siebie
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everyone must be a better version of themselves
wracają do poprzedniej diety
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they come back to their previous diet
do końca życia
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to the end of life
waga (urządzenie)
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weighing scales
Zyskałem kilka kilogramów
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I gained a few kilograms
raz na dwa dni
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once every two days
podciąganie na drążku
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pull up on the stick
te siłownie/tamte siłownie
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these gyms / those gyms
mogłem pójść na basen
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I was able to go to the swimming pool
z powodu natury mojej pracy
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because of the nature of my work
worek treningowy
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punching bag
poranny ptaszek
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early bird
nocna sowa
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night owl

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