u6 1

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denerwować kogoś bez końca
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annoy sb no end
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przesłuchanie do czegoś
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audition for sth
ugryzc sie w jezyk
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bite your lip
ale potem znowu
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but then again
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clear your throat
uznac cos za niegodne
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consider sth beneath you
skrzyżowac kostki
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cross your ankles
trzymac kciuki
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cross your fingers
oczywista wskazowka
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dead giveaway
katastrofalny, niesmaczny
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wątpic w siebie
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doubt yourself
bębnić palcami
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drum your fingers
odgarniac włosy (z twarzy)
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flick your hair back (off your face)
skrzyzowac ramiona
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fold your arms
zmarszczyc brwi
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furrow your brow
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get cold feet
zaangazowac sie w cos co nas przerasta
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get in over your head
dac komus spokoj
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get off ones back
potraktowac kogos ozieble
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give sb the cold shoulder
wspierac kogos
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give sb the thumbs up
zgrzytać zębami
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grund your teeth
głowa do góry
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keep your chin up
narzekac na kogoś
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moan at sb
milcze jak grob
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my lips are sealed
bez zastanowienia
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off the top of ones head
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sciagac usta
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purse your lips
zacierac rece
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rub your hands together
wzruszyć ramionami
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shrug your shoulders
ukladac dlonie na polityka
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steeple your hands
wysuwac brodę do przodu
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stick out your chin
pogłaskać się po brodzie
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stroke your chin
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nie zwracac uwagi
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take no notice
przechylić łódź
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tilt a boat
przechylić głowę
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tilt your head
krecic na cos nosem
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turn up your nose
zawijac wlosy
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twirl your hair
zmarszczyć nos
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wrinkle your nose

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