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zdejmij kurtke
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take off your jacket
zdejmij buty
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take off your shoes
zdejmij bluzkę
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remove the blouse
możesz to tutaj zostawić
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you can leave it here
musze zmierzyc Ci temperatute
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I have to measure your temperatute
sprawdze czy nie masz goraczki
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I will check if you have a fever
przymierzymy wzór
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we will try on a project
umieścimy szablon
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we will put the stencil
bezpieczniejsze miejsce
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a safer place
uzupelnij ankiete
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complete the survey
przepraszam za slaby angielski
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sorry for poor english
czy mozesz to powiedziex inaczej
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can you say it differently
opowiedz o swoich tatuazach
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tell about your tattoos
w jakim studiu robiłeś tatuaze
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in which studio did you do the tattoos
poczekaj prosze 10 minut
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wait 10 minutes please
pojde wydrukowac projekt
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I'll go to print the project
pojde przygotowac kalke
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I'll go to prepare new stencil
mam prośbę
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I have a request
zaloz to na buty
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put it on your shoes
proszę załóż to
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please wear it
zaloz to na buty
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put it on your shoes
tu bedziemy dzis pracować
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we will work here today
ktore miejsxe wybierasz
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which place do you choose
reka bedzie lepsza niz żebra
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the hand will be better than the ribs
ten projekt jest pionowy
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this design is vertical
projekt ma za duzo szczegółów
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the project has too much detail
to najmniejszy mozliwy rozmiar
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is the smallest possible size
te szczegóły będą mieszane i będzie brzydkie
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these details will be blend and it will be ugly
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stand up
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sit down
poloz sie na plecach
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lie on your back
polz sie na plecach
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lie on your back
stan prosto
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stand straight
proszę stańcie luźno
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stand loosely please
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zegnij reke
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bend your arm
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we begin
czy mozemy zacząć
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can we start
czy potrzebujesz przerwy
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do you need a break
zrobić przerwe
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take a break
zlapac świeże powietrze
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catch some fresh air
prawie kończymy
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we're almost done
chciałabym zrobić zdjęcia
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I'd like to take pictures
czymoge Cie oznaczyc na instagramie
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can I tag you on instagram
powinienes unikac slonca kilka tygodni
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you should avoid the sun for few weeks
kiedy zaczyna się lato, należy używać ochrony przeciwsłonecznej
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when the summer begin you should use sun protector
musisz to myć 5 razy dziennie
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you have to wash it 5 times a day
czy jest za wysoko
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is it too high
czy jest za nisko
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is it too low
czy bardziej z przodu
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or more to the front
czy bardziej z tylu
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or more too back
czy powinnismy to przekrecic
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should we twist it
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a little
Sprawdź to
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check it out
oddycha płyciej
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breathes shallower
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wytłuszczenie, pogrubienie czcionki
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tu masz
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here you are
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paper towel
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paper towel
3 wazne zasady
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3 important rules
jesli chcesz wyjsc musze to zawinąć
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if you want to go out i have to wrap it
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żabka jest na dole, zejdź po schodach
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the żabka is downstairs, go down the stairs
poprawić linię
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correct the line
ja bede robila twoj tatuaz
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I will do your tattoo
pomyslalam tez o udzie
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I also thought about the thigh
lazienka jest na gorze
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the bathroom is upstairs
wlacznik swiatla w srodku
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light switch inside
możesz zaplacic marcysiowi
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you can pay the marcysi
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z gory przepraszam
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I apologize in advance
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milo Cie poznac
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nice to meet you
mil bylo cie poznac
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It was nice to meet you
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